Yampa herbs pack

Alpha(s): The commander of the pack, their word is to not be disobeyed.
Beta(s): The betas are second in command, when one alpha passes they must fight for the rank.
Healer: The healer is the only one with herb knowledge, they must heal and guide the clan with their knowledge.
Seekers(scout): The seekers job is to scout a patrol the territory for any enemies or things missed.
Gaurds: They Gaurd the pack camp from outsiders and intruders.
Pupsitters: After the pup is weaned from their mother they are placed into the pupsitters care.
Trainees: Adolescent wolves in training.
Pups: Pups are the youngest of the pack.
Elders: Old wolves unable to do their job anymore.
Pack Leader Yampa | ||||||||||||