Storme Pack
As you step out into the unknown, double check, do you have what you need? Supplies? Courage? A healthy dose of caution? An open mind? Music? Proper attire? Do you really want to go? Are you ready then? All set? Have fun! (Happy New Year 2025~!)
🎶🎵🎶 'Where'd you wanna go, how much you wanna risk? I ain't looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts...some super hero, some fairytale bliss'...🎶🎵🎶Scíth a ligean, ní mhairfidh an stoirm go deo... gheobhaidh tú tríd agus beidh tú níos láidre. (Relax, the storm won't last forever... you will get through it and you will be stronger.)
I'm getting sick of explaining to my Mom, that I don't seek romance, that I'm not trying to find a partner of the romantic nature. That if love does find me, great, and if it doesn't, great, but I'm NOT looking for That right now...not after What I Have Been Through...if my old friends, most of which just happen to be male, still want to be friends, cool...but that doesn't mean I want them as romantic partners. When will She understand that...I.Am.Demi-sexual...I.Don't.Seek.Partner(s) 

Secret Lore Pair: Póg na Beatha and Sásta Tháinig tú, Theme is Eclipse, Lore is tied to their song lyrics...if you're lucky enough I may consider telling you their Lore...

Alpha An Bhanríon | ||||||||||||