hi im tomte and im playing this very casually
im doing my own fun thing where, for the sake of personal gameplay, the wolf im currently playing doesnt exist
my "den" consists of two separate packs, the braidwood pack and the vyatka basin pack
the vyatka basin pack is meant to be as realistic as it can be on this site
fun set of rules for each pack (subject to change + expand) vvv
the braidwood pack rules
- only the lead male and lead female can breed
- traveling wolves can breed while they're visiting another pack
- any male from this pack can be for stud
- pair bonds are allowed but can only adopt from the enclave
- unrealistic colors and markings are fine
- can use personality changers, breeding items, marking changers, etc
- can use the herbalist and medicines at any time
- can scout and hunt in any of the biomes
- pups can be chased/sold/etc at any age, adult wolves can stay in the pack indefinitely
- wolves from outside the pack can join
- all but the breeding pair can be traveling wolves
the vyatka basin pack rules
- only the lead male and lead female can breed
- no males from this pack can be for stud, and females cant breed to other studs
- no pair bonds (other than the lead male and female)
- what you see is what you get. no items may be used that change the wolf in any way (including breeding items)
- no immortal wolves
- there is no herbalist. if a wolf gets sick i will roll a die once to determine whether it recovers or not (1/6 chance to use medicine)
- can only scout and hunt in the current home territory biome
- can only eat what they have successfully hunted themselves (will keep note) and meat scraps
- pups and adolescents can't be chased/sold/etc, and non-breeding wolves must be chased before age 2
- no outside wolves, only ones born to the breeding pair can be a part of the pack
- no interaction with the braidwood pack (training, trading wolves between them, etc)
- no traveling wolves