Nightgrass Pack
World Lore
The empire of humans has toppled at the hands of its own war and greed. Those few of the species that survive are deeply corrupted, no longer themselves, but largely, nature has reclaimed their settlements. Wolves, once driven off their lands, have reclaimed territories all across Turtle Island; though the structure of the pack, in most cases, has changed, the species thrives like never before.
Traditionally, a pack referred to a single family unit: two parents, and those of their children who had not yet found spouses of their own or who preferred to stay with their family rather than form packs of their own. But modern times hold exceptional dangers, and so it has become common for multiple families to band together in a singular pack.
Pack Lore
The Nightgrass Pack began, like any other, with a pair of wolves: wife Fiadh (fee-ah) and husband Finn, both overjoyed at the upcoming prospect of their very first litter. However, tragedy was soon to befall the small family. They were attacked by remnant humans, and Finn ultimately sacrificed himself by drawing away the horde so that his wife and unborn pups could escape. Distraught and alone, Fiadh thought she would somehow need to take care of the litter all by herself; as she drifted through the mountains, though, she met another wanderer: a black she-wolf named Tala. With Tala's aid, Fiadh was able to give birth safely,

[ ] Wolf of my Skyrim Dragonborn, Irio [ ]
Pack Lore
- Caribou
- Caribou

Lead Wolf ๐ฟ๐๐ป๐ฒ๐ฟ | ||||||||||||