Ivory Claw Pack
For Christmas:
51/100 recieved
100/100 given
• decor/ bgs
•nesting mats
•base mats (badger/ whatever the Narwhal one will need)
•gc/ sc
• pretty much anything from Coigreach
• special dark/ medium base apps
One may dream but don't you dare
mods (a pointed and torn (or pie: zerdava) and a conjoined twin
WIP ⚠️
friendly x stoic, friendly x rom, aggro x stoic, and aggro x rom hunting groups - this is just so I do not forget combos!
• finisher - highest strength
chasers - highest speed and agility
stalkers - highest smarts and wisdom
highest smarts and wisdom
depending on the biome they're scouting, but all stats are
you can have two scouts, so make sure their highest stats
are not the same
speed: Decidous Forest, Grasslands, Mountains, Prairie
agility: Taiga, Swamp
strength: Desert, Rainforest
smarts: Confierous Forest, Tundra
wisdom: Riptarian Woodland, Glacier
You need 101 wis for Glacier and 101 strength for Rainforest
When the breeding male retires he will be replaced by NBW's that will likely be given newer bases. It does not matter if they are a carrier but will be tested for it. They will then likely be a scout to get better stats - that is when I remember to actually send them out
🐉 - first lead and stud linage
51/100 recieved
100/100 given
• decor/ bgs
•nesting mats
•base mats (badger/ whatever the Narwhal one will need)
•gc/ sc
• pretty much anything from Coigreach
• special dark/ medium base apps
One may dream but don't you dare
mods (a pointed and torn (or pie: zerdava) and a conjoined twin
WIP ⚠️
• finisher - highest strength
chasers - highest speed and agility
stalkers - highest smarts and wisdom
highest smarts and wisdom
depending on the biome they're scouting, but all stats are
you can have two scouts, so make sure their highest stats
are not the same
speed: Decidous Forest, Grasslands, Mountains, Prairie
agility: Taiga, Swamp
strength: Desert, Rainforest
smarts: Confierous Forest, Tundra
wisdom: Riptarian Woodland, Glacier
You need 101 wis for Glacier and 101 strength for Rainforest
When the breeding male retires he will be replaced by NBW's that will likely be given newer bases. It does not matter if they are a carrier but will be tested for it. They will then likely be a scout to get better stats - that is when I remember to actually send them out
🐉 - first lead and stud linage
Queen Eve 🎄 | ||||||||||||