Wayfare Pack

The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the vast grasslands. You were travelling back to your home territory after a day's scouting. You had stopped in your tracks as a large shadow appeared atop a rock, silhouetted by the setting sun. You sniffed the air: A she-wolf. She let out a low, throaty growl, lowering her body and flashing her yellow eyes toward you. Then, another silhouette had appeared around the rock and faced up at her, "Compose yourself," was all he had said to her, and she instantly quieted down, but her piercing gaze did not leave you, "I do not sense threat from this wolf," he said as he stepped toward you and bowed his head in greeting, "How may we help you?" he asked with a vaguely friendly tone.
"You may stay for a short time, or you may pass through to wherever your destination may be," he offered
"However, cause any trouble and you will suffer consequences." he stated, followed by a growl from the dark she-wolf. He bowed his head once again and with that, the two wolves turned and sunk into the shadows as the sun disappeared beyond the horizon.
Alpha Horizon | ||||||||||||