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Фуюки самый дурацкийГород

2 wolves in this pack may leave due to neglect!
King Холод
Played By Zetsuboo (#8840)
Territory Biome Swamp
Cave Slots 10 / 10
Pack Adults 6 / 90
Pack Pups 0 / 450
Immortal Wolves 3 / 4

1. Трон Героев
Name Stats Info Currents
934 stats L1 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
You're so hopeless
896 stats L20 Female Immortal ImmortalSecured
394 stats L10 Male Immortal ImmortalSecured
10. Меланизм
Name Stats Info Currents
1086 stats L17 Female 5 years 8½ months (Adult) 5y 8½m Scout
G2 Annwn
566 stats L13 Female 4 years 10½ months (Adult) 4y 10½m In Heat (2 rollovers)Scout
341 stats L4 Female 4 years 7 months (Adult) 4y 7m HungryIn Heat (2 rollovers)PupsitterWill Leave!
2. Охотники
Name Stats Info Currents
Bronze | Melanism
650 stats L7 Male 3 years 5 months (Adult) 3y 5m HunterSick
3. Плодильня
Name Stats Info Currents
Patches brachy carrier
479 stats L7 Male 5 years 1½ month (Adult) 5y 1½m HungryHerbalistWill Leave!
539 stats L5 Female 4 years 9½ months (Adult) 4y 9½m Breeding Cooldown (12 rollovers)Pupsitter
Name Stats Info Currents
Name Stats Info Currents
6. Бесплодные земли
Name Stats Info Currents
7. Няньки
Name Stats Info Currents
8. Продажа
Name Stats Info Currents
9. Сдохни или умри
Name Stats Info Currents