Shard-Claw Pack
Mostly natural-looking wolves with fair stats
Keep og lead bloodline going ( crown = og bloodline)
Btw if you're reading this, keep in mind my Pack bio below this point is old af lol, I haven't made any major updates since before my hiatus. I may update/work on at some point, I'll make that another goal ig.
wip lol
Mostly natural-looking wolves with fair stats
Keep og lead bloodline going ( crown = og bloodline)
Btw if you're reading this, keep in mind my Pack bio below this point is old af lol, I haven't made any major updates since before my hiatus. I may update/work on at some point, I'll make that another goal ig.
Note: If I have marked any pups from YOUR stud as "Sell", "Give", "Fodder", I will gift them to you free of charge if you msg me requesting them. Please note that, if I already have them in a trade, they may be bought out before I see your msg.
While carefully scouting out the grasslands, you stumble upon...
wip lol
Pack Traditions~
- A once prevalent tradition was that wolves here would normally take/be given the name of a stone or crystal. Although this still happens for the majority, names of other origins have slowly become more common than before.
- Another once prevalent tradition that has become far less common over the years: Unless the wolf's name is very short, they would always go by a shortened version of their full name once they become 6 months old and begin venturing out with the adults (However, it was not unusual for Pair Bonds to sometimes use their partner's full name privately, and you may occasionally hear a parent call their offspring by their full name in private conversation). The only true exception is the Pack Leader, who would only go by their full name once they take their role.
- There will always be a second-in-command, but they are not always determined by strength or skill. It is fully up to the Pack Leader to choose this wolf, and different titles can be given (i.e. Beta, Companion, or simply Mate if the wolf is bonded to the Pack Leader).
- It is not uncommon for pupsitters or healers to adorn themselves with feathers or plants, respectively. Pupsitters will do so to help gain/keep the attention of their wards, while healers do so to be more easily identifiable to all.
- It is somewhat uncommon for healers to become bonded, yet it is far more uncommon for a healer to have pups. This is due to the healer needing to be made available as often as possible to aid the pack, especially in the case of an emergency.
- It is considered unlucky for pups to receive a name until they are at least 1 month - 1.5 months old. This is because of an old belief that, since pups are born deaf, naming such a young pup would allow evil spirits/beings (or even Death itself) to know their name before the pups themselves do, which was believed to put the pup in danger or bring them very bad luck.
- Any wolf with the blood of Calcite (First of her Name) is eligible to take power as Lead. Although wolves of any Shard-Claw Pack Founder bloodline is respected, this does not make them eligible to become Lead, nor is any wolf outside of Calcite's bloodline. It will be a dark day in the Shard-Claw Pack's history should this tradition ever be broken.
Lead Calcite (ll) | ||||||||||||