Arcanis Pack
The scent of pine and small prey fills your nostrils, but then you catch a whiff of something else - another wolf. It seems you've wandered into another pack's territory. Moving a little more cautiously now, you continue forward, watching as darkness begins to envelop the forest.
After a short while, you come to a small clearing with a ridge of moss-covered rocks to one side, nestled amongst the trees. You notice that in a vaguely circular shape around the top of the clearing, the pines almost seem to lean away from each other, creating a hole in the canopy through which you can see a few faint stars beginning to appear.
The clearing has a peaceful feeling to it - at least, until you feel someone watching you from the top of the embankment. You look up, and a wolf with piercing white eyes and a dark coat that shimmers like starlight hops down off the top of the ridge, approaching you with an unreadable expression. You bristle, unsure of their intentions until they lay their ears back, relaxing their tail in a friendly manner. You hear a familiar caw, and the raven you encountered earlier flies down from an overhead branch and lands on the wolf's shoulders, preening its iridescent feathers and fixing you with a beady gaze.
The wolf addresses you. "Hello. What brings you to the den of Arcanis? The stars did not foresee your visit, though I assure you, you are welcome here. Please, feel free to stay and rest a while."
Pack Leader Polaris | ||||||||||||
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