the other night he was planning to propose to tawny.however she said hse had plans and he didnt get a chance to.the next day she asked him to head out with her.he was going to tell her but then she told him that it wasnt going to work out since her and fox where could she chose fox over him!?fox isnt nearly as handsom and he deffintly isnt a romantic every word he says is blurted out and unplanned.but quartzeye just has to accept it...NOT fox and tawny broke up...he has ben wanting this forever!finnally finnally he has a chance with her.ever since fox and tawny broke up he and tawny started getting close.he really just wanted to be there for her..although the fact that she actually had feelings for him was nice.he never expected to actually be with someone although here they were,next month they would have a ceremony and he would offically be her mate,and also king which is pretty great too!