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Amylog-"a lil irish🍀" #91390

I'm a awesome opposum


Amy is a human being- with a life- + several mental health issues + some physical ones aswell...meaning if I'm offline more than usual just know- I haven't quit- I'm just taking a break for a day. however some days I may be online but mostly keep to myself, also Amy has a job so... seriously I need breaks <3 ~ amy

Fav song: hey there delilah


Amy + 🏹+❤ = 💥🔥💔 (#91390)
what about.....*wormden* I bet the mods would love it

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
Wormden... is in all our hearts. ♥

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
Heartwormden.less than a minute ago

Amy + 🏹+❤ = 💥🔥💔 (#91390)
I knew it!!!

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
the mods are 100% real green worms

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) on strings.

Pardon my my messy profile! I dislike cleaning and organization! *throws dirt everywhere*

Amy is a free to play player- meaning no money spent on here

2025 resolutions

(not all relating to wolvden- I just put them here so I'm forced to see them at least 5 (sometimes more days a week)
-get more active
-improve art skills
-amy go hiking with bf more their neglected
-horse riding, horse riding, horse riding
-amy! preferably into a bob resolved I did it
-make it to 2026 with 30gc! meaning...Amy dont raffle it all away before febuary
-please actually write lore! it makes it hard when I come back from haituses confused about what I'm supposed to write next!
-NO WOLVES running away because they starved sense you forgot to feed them for over a week....... resolution broken 01/23

I wonder who's watching me now [Who] the IRS

as of Dec 16 Amy is now the proud owner of two skinny pigs!
Their names are hippo(named by Waking🔅Sun (#105899)) and tater tot
hippo is black with a orange fur tuft on his face and tater tot is pink with some white fur on his feet, both male

cool guy (#94600)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390) your existence is innapropriete

Only rolling weekdays Somtimes online Saturday mayyybe

-Amy eats presents🎁(2024)
-AmyTree-slayer of scrooge(2023)
-amylog-"I write stuff" (2022-2023)
-amylog-"clearly a faelcu"(2024)
-amylog-"I'm invisible" (2024)
-amylog-"I eat books" (2024-2025)
-Amy + 🏹+❤ = 💥🔥💔 (febuary 2025)

Unlocked achievement: Extrovert 2024-11-19 19:38:41 ewwww- believe it or not I'm actually extremely introverted irl!

amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390)
Mods by any chance...have you consumed excessive amounts of caffeine today by any chance?

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
@amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390) We would not consider it "excessive".

Unlocked achievement: Polycephaly 2023-10-27 15:08:03
flex, first try babe

This is not a book

bootiful non book, so majestic

Wolfy family
cool guy ~ their just my cool person
♰Spooky Vampire♰ (#25702) ~ we share a fruit bat for a cousin! were like- 3rd cousins or smthn- they took more after dracula's side of the fam tho-
Murray dire wolpard ~ the sister-aunt I don't have but wish I did

🎃ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ-Lights On🎃/ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ-The toe tickler!!/Zai (#80493) - offence -> winning cain's raffle and having thick eyelashes 10/31/24

Best song ever- somebody's watching me~ by rockwell
All I want is to be left alone in my average home
But why do I always feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone and

I always feel like somebody's watchin' me
And I have no privacy
Oh, oh, oh, I always feel like somebody's watchin' me
Tell me is it just a dream

When I come home at night
I bolt the door real tight
People call me on the phone I'm trying to avoid
Well, can the people on TV see me or am I just paranoid

When I'm in the shower, I'm afraid to wash my hair
'Cause I might open my eyes and find someone standing there
People say I'm crazy, just a little touched
But maybe showers remind me of Psycho too much, that's why

I always feel like somebody's watchin' me
And I have no privacy
Oh, oh, oh, I always feel like somebody's watchin' me
Who's playin' tricks on me

[Who's watching me] I don't know anymore are the neighbors watching me
[Who's watching] Well, is the mailman watching me
[Tell me who's watching]
And I don't feel safe anymore, oh, what a mess
I wonder who's watching me now [Who] the IRS

ello there im amy!welcome to my profile!
Amy/19yo/straight/aro-ace/Slythrin/raccoon/faelcu enthusiast
I can say basic greetings in swedish and German.
(ps: I'm aro-ace and straight since, I have a bf but I just have very low interest in most...things)

Attention my wolvden friends (or people who wanna be friends)

! if you play switch you can pm me and we can swap friend codes! so we can play stuff together, I mostly play super animal royal and sky cotl when I'm not on wolvden.

If you spot a person named "AmyLog" on a game not listed here........that's not me like seriously- most likely its somebody else named Amy who likes nature as well
locating amy/games I play
Pokemon unite:lil'wolfy(switch)
Yu-gi-oh master duel:lil'wolfy(switch)
Roller champions:amylog_lore(switch)
Herd of Hounds:Ihearthounds(laptop)
Sky children of light(switch)
Pixel cats end(laptop)

Need to talk?always free on..
Herd of Hounds:Amylog
Pixel cat's end:AmyLogTheOdd
Sky children of light good luck finding me..

Amy's shops

Amy's Medicine Market~ link
Lore commisions-link


Breed a lethal link 10/27/23
Breed a albino
Breed a brachy
Breed a polymelia
Breed a conjoined twin

quote board (if you'd like to be exempted from the quote board please pm me!)

𓆏Shetan The Fancy𓆏 (#92708)
but for some reason before it loaded my brain thought omlette

amylog-writer of DarkLore (#91390)
@Hopephries™ (Hiatus) (#60937) omelets are inevitble they are everywhere.EVERYWHER in your closet,under you bed,in the sky,in your device..

💣Explosive 💥 Pickle🥒 (#30689)
the curse of the knees!

💣Explosive 💥 Pickle🥒 (#30689)
theres a knee-fection!

Seraphina's Stupidity (#39738)
Great merciful gods I will sacrifice my firstborn if you will save me from the KNEES!

OmegaMaple19955 (#114753)
@🐾Violetta🐾 Dire Wolpard (#80809) mmmm pee

🐾Violetta🐾 Dire Wolpard (#80809)
@OmegaMaple19955 (#114753) should I be concerned that you said, 'mmmm pee'?

♡Queen of the Diarrhehe♡ (#111217)
Watch, the wolvden gods are gonna be like.. oops she died

Abbey (#1) This member is an Admin.
sacrificial circle let's go

J4d3v0rt3x (#93480)
imagine sleeping with a blanket made of human skin

Spaghetti_Gremlin (#54485)
@Solar Flares (#26993) mentor really went "Today's lesson is about death!" And proceeded to die right in front of its students

AngryTiger-[Item_Hoarder] (#10140)
'Aight guess I'll just die

Solar Flares (#26993)
Damn mentors keep traumotizing the pups by dropping dead in the middle of lessons

🥭 gråbein 🥭 (#41355)
Just got murdered by a herd of muskox, rest in piss me

scottyboyvevo (#115397)
Eranthis is so cute. i just want to turn them into a kebab at a summer barbecue.

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
@scottyboyvevo (#115397) no wolf barbecue for you...

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
lets have a summoning ritual for the mods

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
@Muxa [semi-active] (#12121) what they dont desrve love if they cant love my lore.

🏳‍🌈moon🏳‍🌈 (#65358)
@🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390) Also your alpha looks like they killed the pup

Leonca (#54339)
"Anatomy lessons can pay off when trying to deal fatal blows, and Deaf Girl listened eagerly."

CaliFire (#116835)
yummy raccoon kits

J4d3v0rt3x (#93480)
why there's no option to eat unweaned puppies🙄

Ghost of the lost wolf (#86186)
is it weird that i just shopped for rotting meat

TashaThePotatiKiller82 🫧🌑 (#40012)
@Jess (#118207) yes we are all very nice till we come out of your walls and kill you-

Pada (#23076)
I wonder what wolvden merch there will be in the future...

Dżanek | don't ping pls (#24018)
A plushie wolf that eats us while we're asleep.

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
@𝖁𝖎𝖑𝖙𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖆𝖘 (#60937) misty star's nine-magical soulutions to living forever,the book

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
Reminder :dont eat boxes

Constantly Sleep Deprived (#59562)
@🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390) what if I already did?

🪵amylog-typist of lore🖥 (#91390)
@Constantly Sleep Deprived (#59562) well then eat some tape to seal up the box

🎄HoppingHare🐰 (#131199)
@jesus (#60551) well you are over 2000 years old

Feretrophobe (#122848)
*clipping through the wall, T posed*

Notifications- "Your friend request to jesus has been accepted!"

Enjolras (#5845)
The haunted by a very strange irish ghost translator

cool guy (#94600)
@amylog-"despair pit" (#91390) golly j platonically love you

cool guy (#94600)
@Blue Dog 🩵 (#73588) I'm already a evil scientist

amylog-"I happy 🩷" (#91390)
@cool guy (#94600) aww thank you your also a biohazard

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
@🍅Ketchupwhisper🍅 (#128200) I am officially the mother of ketchup XD

🍀Luckywhisper🍀 (#128200)
my milksnake brings all the wolves to the yard

amylog-cant sleep (#91390)
@Hollow Howls (#12130) chicken flavored charcoal is delicous

amylog-cant sleep (#91390)
something about eating litteral charcoal is hard on your teeth

Hollow Howls (#12130)
Nah, you just didn't cook your charcoal right smh

cool guy (ignore.) (#94600)
@amylog-"fremlin" L-ON (#91390) true cactus

Featherbrain [🎃 L-On 🎃] (#38194)
I had a dream last night that effigies could remove marks and I panicked so bad<

🎃Spoopywhisper🎃[L:OFF] (#128200)
I am sad

amylog-"fremlin" L-ON (#91390)
@🎃Spoopywhisper🎃[L:OFF] (#128200) whisper stop being sad

🎃Spoopywhisper🎃[L:OFF] (#128200)
oh shit why didn't I think of that

cool guy (ignore.) (#94600)
like oh my god the only person you should idolize/want to be/praise/look up to is me

🐀🎃Astrid🎃🐀 (#13846)
corrupted crawler, you are an ass

🎃Spoopywhisper🎃[L:ON] (#128200)
no he's a corrupted crawler

Ash (#146441)
somewhere fireflies are eating rhinos

Hound's Pack (#146961)
@amylog-"fremlin" L-ON (#91390) nah nah you got it mixed up: only butterflies eat rhinos and watermelons eat horses

🎃ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ-Lights On🎃 (#80493)
@amylog-"fremlin" L-ON (#91390) jokes on you, I LOVE RACCOONS!!

🎃ꁴꍏꀤ꒒ꌩꈤꊼ-Lights On🎃 (#80493)
I love my enemy everyone!!/p

🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200)
looking like a cheese stick up in here

🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200)
@amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390) do not take a bite outta me. i know u hungry but i am not the one

amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390)
@🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200) ...I mean....cheddar good tho

🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200)
@amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390) wut

🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200)
I am clearly a mozzarella cheesestick

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
Green, ofc.

amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390) get this right your all green worms that eat eyes for lunch

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
@amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390)

𓆏Shetan🐝 (#92708)
@amylog-"clearly a faelcu" (#91390) Thank you? i just wanna hide in the safety corner XD

Kivdaa (she/her) (#120379)
I just found the most amazing next stud for me, then I woke up

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
Well, seeing as we ar Wolvden mods, and the Lioden Team is separate, we are a bit biased for Wolves over Lions, though we do like both. ♥

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
@javajay (#130414) We do not discriminate against any dessert food. All dessert is equally appreciated.

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
@Hatter- Queen of Argents (#147572) sweet cornbread is quite delicious.

☠️𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 (#119024)
@Theo (#147192) old women voice: " don't eat fruits innthe middle oft a Forrest...animals could habe peed on it"

amylog-"I'm invisible" (#91390)
@Zambaio (#140406) can I have like 8 zamburgers and some fries

⚜ Vilina ⚜ (#60937)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) I- your new name scares me

˗ˏˋ 𓅰 ᵍʳᵉʸˢᵒⁿ 𓅰 ˎˊ˗ (#117820)
when i learned book lice existed, it was game over<

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) He got to watch that booty walk away...👀 and go: 'Damn it'

☠️𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 (#119024)
Amylog: 34 years old Proffessor on Harward University Proffessor Doctor in Study eating

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
mhm I have a masters AND a doctorate in eating

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
And now those two about to head down a cat walk singing, 'I'm, too sexy for my fur' @🦡Ferretwhisper🦡 (#128200) @amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)

Teef (#147387)
thrown into the hoosegow for my sneezing crimes

ivoryhalo (#93480)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) did you make the sun explode

cool guy (#94600)
@Hatter| Iron Diva (#147572) stop smelling amylogs feet

Zambaio (#140406)
@Hollow Howls (#12130) i now run zamburgers, you get them discounted

cool guy (#94600)
"" cannibalism can be seen as a metaphor for my last love""

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@☠️𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 (#119024) burrow underground and loose all your hair- oh and your teeth grow out

☠️𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 (#119024)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) yes when i interact with human beings

☠️𝙽𝚎𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚕 (#119024)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) my advice: Eat the book and read the pizza

🧊 Orthrus🧊 (#15164)
*puts hat on backwards* alright bois

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@♰Spooky Vampire♰ (#25702) by looking at the family cave your next to our cousin the fruit bat

♰Spooky Vampire♰ (#25702)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) know my cousin?

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@♰Spooky Vampire♰ (#25702) yeah- the fruit bat, the one with the mohawk

♰Spooky Vampire♰ (#25702)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) leon??! you know leon!!!!?

💫KasperKat💫 (#128485)
"my amy ate my physics homework"

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
I told you guys its salgia being jealous

Whirligig (#11137)
And I believe you, sounds like something that ho would do.

Whirligig (#11137)
amylog you need an intervention.

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@Whirligig (#11137) No I don't I'm fine *continues eating book*

[FATAL_ERROR] (#54485)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) What could possibly go wrong if you hug a planet eating eldritch abomination?

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@[FATAL_ERROR] (#54485) hmm....absolutely nothing! She likes cuddles

Hatter| "I eat amylog" (#147572)
Oh my lunch is here @amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)

MODERATOR TEAM This member is a Moderator.
Happy turkey day to our US players and happy Thursday to everyone else!

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
@Amy is seasick-crocodile (#91390) it's weird for me to say this but Girl, you eat too many Cookies!!

♰Merry Vampmas♰ (#25702)
@Amy is seasick-crocodile (#91390) eww why are you looking at my insides

Amy is seasick-crocodile (#91390)
@♰Merry Vampmas♰ (#25702) stop leaving them on the ground

♰Merry Vampmas♰ (#25702)
@Amy is seasick-crocodile (#91390) ...those arent mine .. shhhhh

♰Merry Vampmas♰ (#25702)
guys if amy disappears dont worry i just took them on a lovely vacation theyll be fine

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390) Don't eat the presents... you'll get ribbons stuck in your body

EragonShadeslayer (#147058)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390) *resumes chewing tinsel strands in the background*

cool guy (#94600)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390) your existence is innapropriete

°•Lady Fizzmas•° 🍧 [NC] (#79157)
Coolguy is my son

Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390)
Sharks are overrated... I want a coral named fido

🎁Presentwhisper🎁 (#128200)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390) sit fido! *doesn't move* he's such a well behaved boi

Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390)
Fido can do tricks! "fido, speak!" *silence*

🎁Presentwhisper🎁 (#128200)
@Amy eats presents🎁 (#91390)

dogteeth (#41666)
dont die it's not medically recommended

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard🍀🐾 (#80809)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) wth you ate a time travel book? Tell me it wasn't from inside the Tardis...

☠Nevaneel☠ (#119024)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) hmmmmm have you tried a table cataloge yet

Amy + 🏹+❤ = 💥🔥💔 (#91390)
@˗ˏˋ ♡ Righteous ♡ ˎˊ˗ (#128902) you raised them- then rizzed them........

˗ˏˋ ♡ Righteous ♡ ˎˊ˗ (#128902)
@Amy + 🏹+❤ = 💥🔥💔 (#91390) My son husband doesn't date old men

Whirligig (#11137)
I don't know what a maple cake soup tastes like, but I wish you luck.7 minutes ago

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@Whirligig (#11137) in the oven pan it looks like a blob of brown and amber gloop7 minutes ago

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾 (#80809)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) Ask him if it's dead yet...👀

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾 (#80809) omfg- he responded " Amy, their not dead if you can still hear the screams." he said this with a straight face 4 minutes ago

Whirligig (#11137)
...4 minutes ago

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾 (#80809)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) I'm concerned now

Whirligig (#11137)
Poke it with a stick, see what sound it makes. If it eats you, I apologize.

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾 (#80809) I should be too but...

🐾 Murra Dire Wolpard💘🐾 (#80809)
@amylog-"I eat books" (#91390) No...I'm concerned that he thinks cake can scream

amylog-"I eat books" (#91390)
@Whirligig (Hiatus) (#11137) enjoy a nice long hiatus...and when you get back you can try maple syrup cake-

Whirligig (Hiatus) (#11137)
Maybe I won't come back./spoiler>



Get the fur away sirona-
Member Information
Name Amylog-"a lil irish🍀"
Pack Tribe of the life theives
Queen Amy 🧊☯🪽
Joined 2022-09-26
Last Active 13 hours ago