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Family of Keyflower

This wolf is adopted!

This wolf was adopted by...

Biological Family Tree

Inbreeding Coefficient (COI):
Instances of Inbreeding:

Paternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents
Maternal Family Tree
Great Grandparents
Great Great Grandparents

Living Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Father Pack
Angel of Death Headshot Angel of Death Diorite Dobbie- Double Carrier Pike Mountain Pack
♠️ Swift Ferret Headshot ♠️ Swift Ferret Siqoq Dobbie- Double Carrier Frost Night Pack
STR Headshot STR Chrysoberyl Winter's Song The Pack of the Eclipse
STR Headshot STR Aquamarine Winter's Song The Pack of the Eclipse
Dew drops Headshot Dew drops Galena Winter's Song Pike Mountain Pack
Patches check Headshot Patches check Diopside Skyfall [Alb Carrier] Pike Mountain Pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Ashen Skyfall [Alb Carrier] Pike Mountain Pack
New Puppy Headshot New Puppy Maltese Skyfall [Alb Carrier] Pike Mountain Pack

Living Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack

Deceased Biological Offspring

Image Offspring Information Base Father Pack

Deceased Adopted Offspring

Image Offspring Information Other Adoptive Parent Pack