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Haji/Chicken-Eevee #10491



My Goals and Checklist 
-------------------Single mutation goals-------------------
Breed an Albino❄ [✅]
Breed a Melanism🔥 [✅]
Breed a Brachycephaly🐶 [✅]
Breed a Conjoined Twins [✅]
Breed a Polycephaly [❌]
Breed a Polymelia[❌]
Breed a Sirenomelia[❌]
Breed a Spontaneous Blindness [✅]
Breed a Hereditary Cataracts🌗[✅]
Breed a Deafness[✅]
Breed a Mirror Image(Identical twins)[✅]
Breed a Piebald: Biewer[❌]
Breed a Piebald: Frontal[❌]
Breed a Patches: Mottled[✅]
Breed a Patches: Split[✅]
Breed a Piebald: Torn[✅]
Breed a Piebald: Uneven[✅]
Breed a Patches: Pointed[❌️]
Breed a Piebald: Dalmatian[❌️]
Breed a Piebald: Dip[✅️]
Breed a Piebald: Zerdava[❌️]
------------Multi mutation combination goals------------
🐶❄[✅] ---🐶🔥[✅]---🐶🌗[✅]
--------------------Other goals--------------------
Breed a Hetero [✅]   
Successfully won and bred all of one raffle
wolf's markings to a litter [✅]
Cygnus was my first raffle stud to win and get all markings.
Hades II was my second raffle stud to win unfortunately didn't get all markings, so sold the pups.


Member Information
Name Haji/Chicken-Eevee
Pack Chicken-Eevee Pack
Leader !1!!🏹Stella
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 42 seconds ago