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Mikay’s Element #1079

Hiyo! My name is Mikay and I breed nearly every base but mainly Monochrome bases. If you see that I haven't rolled over
today please don't send any stud requests until I do.
If it says "(Gone)" in my name I'm on a hiatus and may not come back for a few days to a couple of months depending on
how busy I am. I'm a full-time college student and don't always have time to play video games. So please be reasonable and
courteous of other people's lives and time. Thank you.
◉ I'm 1 hour ahead of Wolvden Time
◉ If you see that I have l wolves not fed and that I rolled over today, I will be coming back online.
◉ Feel free to offer on wolves not yet up for sale.
Member Information
Name Mikay’s Element
Pack Lost Realms
Queen Alpha Yas Jaeger
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2 days ago
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