Arcadia /hiatus #1119
WD time -1
i am an artist
find me on discord, arcadia#8700
den info
- i'm an early access player, so i've been here for a bit
- i customize all core pack members. most of my GC goes into applicators for this purpose!
- i specialize in natural- and semi-natural-looking wolves with well-balanced colors and markings
- pretty much 100% of my SC goes into gene testing NBWs
- i'm absurdly proud of the fact that Far Reach is home to the site's very first Realgar pup, Raikoh (thanks to kochebi and the gays of wolvden server)
cave breakdown
- alpha circle: fully customized and finished. forever homed.
- beta counsel: the dogs that have yet to be customized but are likely forever homed
- omega team: more valuable breeding stock. will consider offers
- theta sanctuary: breeding stock. will consider offers
- zeta barracks: raise to chase place. will consider offers
- zeta drifter's quarters: for sale!
- zeta wanderer's quarters: fodder area. offers welcome
breeding goals
i breed gen 2 and 3 mid-to-high value dogs with a focus on small-time lines. my specific interest is in pairbond g2 tier 3 pups with rare and/or valuable features (markings, eyes, skin/nose/claws). i also breed albinos, melanistics, cataracts, and piebalds.
i love to raise and chase!
if you're looking at my > wish list page < , please note that the items listed there are [eventually going to be] ranked from least to most wanted based on a priority score: 0 (least) to 5 (most)
** i've been playing a while so i'm very picky and particular about what i'll trade for what. don't hesitate to dm me, i'm always willing to chat and try to strike a deal! **
1) valuable NBWs (tier iii or *, rare eyes/marks, carriers)
please note that i'm not likely to accept wolves 3 years old and older.
i will consider any valuable NBWs, but i'm especially looking for:
- confirmed mutation carriers
- any tier 3 bases, but especially: any monochrome, any cool, zircon, badger, pearl, hornfels
- raffle-stud-exclusive / breed-only eyes
- any NBW / applicator / raffle stud exclusive markings, but especially: cougar, wings (any), sallander, opossum (not inverted), manicou (not inverted), panda (not inverted), lupos, ghast, wraith
- combo markings, preferably in abundance. especially if two or more combo markings have matching colors. my favorites are zircon, auburn, doubloon
- any of the event features listed below 👇 , preferably in abundance
2) marking applicators, base applicators, eye applicators, mutation applicators — roughly in order of most desired
- mutie on demand: piebald uneven, piebald torn
- base apps: badger, fox, storm, moonlight, airglow, kin, artemis, losna
- marking apps: ghast, wraith, storm, turqoise, moonlight, airglow, kin
- eye apps: violet, moonlight, moonshine, fox, blend, all biolums, azure, sapphire, lux, lumino, fae, indigo, purple, selenelion, saros, total eclipse, saeculorum, wisp, cryptid
- skin/nose/claw apps: mud, lusxnei, fey, blend, conflux, noctiluca, fern, moonbow, apollo
3) other (non-NBW) wolves
i am EXTREMELY picky here.
- MUST be generation 2. i will not accept any gen 3+ wolves
- MUST be from a pairbond or private line; or a RETIRED stud with less than 200 puppies bred
- muties of any kind
- mutie carriers, but most likely only double- or multi-carriers
- with desirable features, as listed above
- high starting stats, ~600 or more
4) items
i have specific lower-priority items listed on my wishlist page
- fox base/eyes trophy items
- badger base trophy items
- rare recipes (scroll down and view spoiler to see the recipes i need)
- bird crafting recipes
- sentinel/relaxed variant applicator
- marking/base/eye applicators, as listed above in 2
- grove items - all applicators, marking removal/opacity changer, guarana, sex changer instant birth feather, custom decor creator
- blue or white sages
- select backgrounds
- SELECT wolf decor — NO custom decor, NO background/foreground set pieces (especially which obscure the wolf), NO lunar decor
- friendly/romantic personality randomizer
i am NOT interested in:
- wolves related to popular studs (studs that have bred any more than 200 pups by their 7th year)
- wolves with long heritages (minimum gen 2)
- most wolves that are older than 3 years (aside from extremely valuable NBWs which will always be considered)
- food, amusement, herbs, medicine, etc
- most decor
- wolves or applicators that are Too Blue
recipes i need: (recipes i actively want are bolded)
- azure-hooded jay (explore - amusement drops)
- background rocks [gray] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bearberry herb crown (foraging)
- bird's nest [branch] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bird's nest [bush] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bird's nest [tree] (explore - cave building material drops)
- black-throated magpie jay (explore - amusement drops)
- burning bush crown (foraging)
- bushy-crested jay (explore - amusement drops)
- california scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- cnitharian frill accents (say hello to cnitharian pair)
- dandelion decor (foraging)
- dwarf jay (explore - amusement drops)
- elk bull mask (battle elks)
- elk bull mask [melanistic] (battle elks)
- elk cow mask (battle elks)
- elk cow mask [melanistic] (battle elks)
- florida scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- foreground rocks [brown] (explore - cave building material drops)
- foreground rocks [gray] (explore - cave building material drops)
- gnawing hoof trinket (battle deer)
- goldenseal accent (foraging)
- green jay (explore - amusement drops)
- island scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- large branch decor (explore - cave building material drops)
- mexican jay (explore - amusement drops)
- muskrat carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- mustelid fangs tail jewelry (battle mustelids)
- owl feather decor (explore - amusement drops)
- parrot feather necklace (explore - amusement drops)
- pherish fur body (battle pherris opponents)
- purplish-backed jay (explore - amusement drops)
- rabbit carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- san blas jay (explore - amusement drops)
- scarce understory [dry] (explore - cave building material drops)
- silver-throated jay (explore - amusement drops)
- squirrel carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- steller's jay (explore - amusement drops)
- swan feather decor (explore - amusement drops)
- transvolcanic jay (explore - amusement drops)
- tufted jay (explore - amusement drops)
- unicolored jay (explore - amusement drops)
- volukros gentle feathers [body] (battle volukros opponents)
- white throated magpie jay (explore - amusement drops)
- wolf trophy tail band [black] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [black] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [timber] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [white] (battle wolves)
- woodhouse jay (explore - amusement drops)
- yucatan jay (explore - amusement drops)
- blooming garlic (foraging)
- blossoming guaiac tree (foraging)
- burning bush tree (foraging)
- chattering parakeets (explore - amusement drops)
- chilling blue jays (explore - amusement drops)
- cold cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- desert traveler (explore - amusement drops)
- falcon's nest (explore - amusement drops)
- fallen tree (explore - cave building material drops)
- fallen tree den (explore - cave building material drops)
- fields of tansy (foraging)
- gyrfalcon observer (explore - amusement drops)
- hollow tree den (explore - cave building material drops)
- hunting barn owl (explore - amusement drops)
- leftover bones (explore - bone drops)
- overgrown arches (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown car (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown den (explore - cave building material drops)
- path of boulders (explore - cave building material drops)
- pupsitter den (explore - amusement drops)
- quail trail (explore - amusement drops)
- rattlesnake den (explore - amusement drops)
- resting grouse flock (explore - amusement drops)
- resting ibis (explore - amusement drops)
- rocky den (explore - cave building material drops)
- root den (explore - cave building material drops)
- sandstone cavern (explore - cave building material drops)
- seaside gull flock (explore - amusement drops)
- secluded spring den (explore - cave building material drops)
- soaring condor (explore - amusement drops)
- stone path cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- sunlit cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- swan lake (explore - amusement drops)
- swimming mallard ducks (explore - amusement drops)
- wild toucans (explore - amusement drops)
- winter cave (explore - cave building material drops)
he/him // 24
WD time -1
i am an artist
find me on discord, arcadia#8700
i'm on hiatus until my brain sporadically decides to get re-invested! you can find me on twitter, dA, and discord, linked above
welcome to Far Reach!
den info
- i'm an early access player, so i've been here for a bit
- i customize all core pack members. most of my GC goes into applicators for this purpose!
- i specialize in natural- and semi-natural-looking wolves with well-balanced colors and markings
- pretty much 100% of my SC goes into gene testing NBWs
- i'm absurdly proud of the fact that Far Reach is home to the site's very first Realgar pup, Raikoh (thanks to kochebi and the gays of wolvden server)
cave breakdown
- alpha circle: fully customized and finished. forever homed.
- beta counsel: the dogs that have yet to be customized but are likely forever homed
- omega team: more valuable breeding stock. will consider offers
- theta sanctuary: breeding stock. will consider offers
- zeta barracks: raise to chase place. will consider offers
- zeta drifter's quarters: for sale!
- zeta wanderer's quarters: fodder area. offers welcome
breeding goals
i breed gen 2 and 3 mid-to-high value dogs with a focus on small-time lines. my specific interest is in pairbond g2 tier 3 pups with rare and/or valuable features (markings, eyes, skin/nose/claws). i also breed albinos, melanistics, cataracts, and piebalds.
i love to raise and chase!
if you're looking at my > wish list page < , please note that the items listed there are [eventually going to be] ranked from least to most wanted based on a priority score: 0 (least) to 5 (most)
my highest priority items are listed on this page, below.
** i've been playing a while so i'm very picky and particular about what i'll trade for what. don't hesitate to dm me, i'm always willing to chat and try to strike a deal! **
1) valuable NBWs (tier iii or *, rare eyes/marks, carriers)
please note that i'm not likely to accept wolves 3 years old and older.
i will consider any valuable NBWs, but i'm especially looking for:
- confirmed mutation carriers
- any tier 3 bases, but especially: any monochrome, any cool, zircon, badger, pearl, hornfels
- raffle-stud-exclusive / breed-only eyes
- any NBW / applicator / raffle stud exclusive markings, but especially: cougar, wings (any), sallander, opossum (not inverted), manicou (not inverted), panda (not inverted), lupos, ghast, wraith
- combo markings, preferably in abundance. especially if two or more combo markings have matching colors. my favorites are zircon, auburn, doubloon
- any of the event features listed below 👇 , preferably in abundance
2) marking applicators, base applicators, eye applicators, mutation applicators — roughly in order of most desired
- mutie on demand: piebald uneven, piebald torn
- base apps: badger, fox, storm, moonlight, airglow, kin, artemis, losna
- marking apps: ghast, wraith, storm, turqoise, moonlight, airglow, kin
- eye apps: violet, moonlight, moonshine, fox, blend, all biolums, azure, sapphire, lux, lumino, fae, indigo, purple, selenelion, saros, total eclipse, saeculorum, wisp, cryptid
- skin/nose/claw apps: mud, lusxnei, fey, blend, conflux, noctiluca, fern, moonbow, apollo
3) other (non-NBW) wolves
i am EXTREMELY picky here.
- MUST be generation 2. i will not accept any gen 3+ wolves
- MUST be from a pairbond or private line; or a RETIRED stud with less than 200 puppies bred
- muties of any kind
- mutie carriers, but most likely only double- or multi-carriers
- with desirable features, as listed above
- high starting stats, ~600 or more
4) items
i have specific lower-priority items listed on my wishlist page
- fox base/eyes trophy items
- badger base trophy items
- rare recipes (scroll down and view spoiler to see the recipes i need)
- bird crafting recipes
- sentinel/relaxed variant applicator
- marking/base/eye applicators, as listed above in 2
- grove items - all applicators, marking removal/opacity changer, guarana, sex changer instant birth feather, custom decor creator
- blue or white sages
- select backgrounds
- SELECT wolf decor — NO custom decor, NO background/foreground set pieces (especially which obscure the wolf), NO lunar decor
- friendly/romantic personality randomizer
i am NOT interested in:
- wolves related to popular studs (studs that have bred any more than 200 pups by their 7th year)
- wolves with long heritages (minimum gen 2)
- most wolves that are older than 3 years (aside from extremely valuable NBWs which will always be considered)
- food, amusement, herbs, medicine, etc
- most decor
- wolves or applicators that are Too Blue
recipes i need: (recipes i actively want are bolded)
- azure-hooded jay (explore - amusement drops)
- background rocks [gray] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bearberry herb crown (foraging)
- bird's nest [branch] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bird's nest [bush] (explore - cave building material drops)
- bird's nest [tree] (explore - cave building material drops)
- black-throated magpie jay (explore - amusement drops)
- burning bush crown (foraging)
- bushy-crested jay (explore - amusement drops)
- california scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- cnitharian frill accents (say hello to cnitharian pair)
- dandelion decor (foraging)
- dwarf jay (explore - amusement drops)
- elk bull mask (battle elks)
- elk bull mask [melanistic] (battle elks)
- elk cow mask (battle elks)
- elk cow mask [melanistic] (battle elks)
- florida scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- foreground rocks [brown] (explore - cave building material drops)
- foreground rocks [gray] (explore - cave building material drops)
- gnawing hoof trinket (battle deer)
- goldenseal accent (foraging)
- green jay (explore - amusement drops)
- island scrub jay (explore - amusement drops)
- large branch decor (explore - cave building material drops)
- mexican jay (explore - amusement drops)
- muskrat carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- mustelid fangs tail jewelry (battle mustelids)
- owl feather decor (explore - amusement drops)
- parrot feather necklace (explore - amusement drops)
- pherish fur body (battle pherris opponents)
- purplish-backed jay (explore - amusement drops)
- rabbit carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- san blas jay (explore - amusement drops)
- scarce understory [dry] (explore - cave building material drops)
- silver-throated jay (explore - amusement drops)
- squirrel carcass decor (explore - bone drops)
- steller's jay (explore - amusement drops)
- swan feather decor (explore - amusement drops)
- transvolcanic jay (explore - amusement drops)
- tufted jay (explore - amusement drops)
- unicolored jay (explore - amusement drops)
- volukros gentle feathers [body] (battle volukros opponents)
- white throated magpie jay (explore - amusement drops)
- wolf trophy tail band [black] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [black] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [timber] (battle wolves)
- wolf trophy tail necklace [white] (battle wolves)
- woodhouse jay (explore - amusement drops)
- yucatan jay (explore - amusement drops)
- blooming garlic (foraging)
- blossoming guaiac tree (foraging)
- burning bush tree (foraging)
- chattering parakeets (explore - amusement drops)
- chilling blue jays (explore - amusement drops)
- cold cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- desert traveler (explore - amusement drops)
- falcon's nest (explore - amusement drops)
- fallen tree (explore - cave building material drops)
- fallen tree den (explore - cave building material drops)
- fields of tansy (foraging)
- gyrfalcon observer (explore - amusement drops)
- hollow tree den (explore - cave building material drops)
- hunting barn owl (explore - amusement drops)
- leftover bones (explore - bone drops)
- overgrown arches (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown car (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- overgrown den (explore - cave building material drops)
- path of boulders (explore - cave building material drops)
- pupsitter den (explore - amusement drops)
- quail trail (explore - amusement drops)
- rattlesnake den (explore - amusement drops)
- resting grouse flock (explore - amusement drops)
- resting ibis (explore - amusement drops)
- rocky den (explore - cave building material drops)
- root den (explore - cave building material drops)
- sandstone cavern (explore - cave building material drops)
- seaside gull flock (explore - amusement drops)
- secluded spring den (explore - cave building material drops)
- soaring condor (explore - amusement drops)
- stone path cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- sunlit cave (explore - cave building material drops)
- swan lake (explore - amusement drops)
- swimming mallard ducks (explore - amusement drops)
- wild toucans (explore - amusement drops)
- winter cave (explore - cave building material drops)
Member Information | ||
Name |
Arcadia /hiatus ![]() |
![]() |
Pack | Far Reach | |
Lead | Laki | |
Joined | 2020-09-25 | |
Last Active | 2023/03/25 15:37:40 |