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What_youlookingat #112254

Wassup everyone I haven't been on since 2022 even then when I did join I played 2 days then left so if I'm a bit slow give me grace✨

If bored or maybe you like to read lore or whatever it's called I'm currently in the making of making backstories and current stuff on my pack members (the ones I plan to keep at least) it will be placed in wolf members bio (They might not be good but remember it is for me not you, you have the option to read it) also FYI to myself I'm doing it the old fashion way of heirs and yadda yadda which ever child of the queen or king with the higher stats and older will be next generation no matter how much I hate how they look and how ugly they are ❤️
Member Information
Name What_youlookingat
Pack Booty pack
Queen Lela
Joined 2022-12-23
Last Active 2024/12/30 07:31:11
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