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Even✧Star #1137

Friendly note:  This wolf does NOT role play.  Right now life is way too busy.

3 Moon Pack lives in the mountains of a distant world where three moons shine brightly every night. 

The craggy cliffs and thick forests have never known the touch of humans though it's rumored that an Elf or two flits through the thickets and groves. 

Strider's father, the old pack leader, saw his son was strong and brave but didn't want to give up leadership yet so he drove his son out.  Strider started out with nearly nothing, except for his health and the loyalty of his mate, Comet.  The left the forest of their old pack, exploring till their footpads were sore.  

No area suited them until one day Strider sniffed out a way up into the high rocky fastnesses that his pack never ventured into.  The place was rich with new scents and filled with game trails.  They began looking for lone wolves to form a new family and at her second heat Comet had a litter of two pups.  

High in the mountains, Strider realized he could see the moons better than ever before - and named his new pack after them.


About EvenStar:

Plays LioDen, Horse Isle 3, Improbable Island, FelisFire, and a few others.   Allergic to drama.  Not particularly worried about pronouns.  Likes books, cats, art, and cooking.  Is an adult professional and therefore exceptionally boring.  Often online, rarely has time for chat - usually multi tasking.  Remembers life before internet.

Member Information
Name Even✧Star
Pack 3 Moon Pack
Pack Leader Mira
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 4 days ago
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