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Faithsky #116623

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

Hello! I am Faith, I am currently 17, enlisting into the marines. Wolves has always been my favorite animal since I was a kid. Thus why I end up crying each time a puppy died in my pack. I am new, came from Lioden. I plan to try to get these pups alive and well and get them til full adults so they may replace my starting adult wolves. (I am broke so I cannot just simply grow them all) I have learning disabilities, so sometimes I have trouble understanding things, especially in game mechanics. Also if you have sent me a gift/trade, please be patient as I have school, and training that I may be busy with at the moment.

Member Information
Name Faithsky
Pack Faithsky Pack!
Queen Faith
Joined 2023-02-18
Last Active 2023/06/20 16:48:40
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