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Lore #119972


Welcome to my den, where I am to make the mossiest wolves possible! I am somewhat sporadic in rolling over, but I do try my best to do it every other day. If you ever want to chat, need some help, or would like some lore written, feel free to DM me! I'm happy to help where I can


- Create a sustainable breeding line of Moss Base wolves with mossy markings (Moss, Clover, Sidhe, Fuath, Kin, Beast, Cynthia).
- Breed night sky/starry wolf line with T3 markings and TII or TIII


- Get a Caribou Base wolf
- Breed Cynthia and Losana base and marking wolves
- Breed more TIII and T*

Christmas wishlist: SC/GC, moss/green decor and backgrounds (any and all), herbs, crafting items (particularly Caribou), grove items and/or apps (mossy) if you're feeling generous, and food and amusement is always appreciated <3 Have a wonderful holiday!
Member Information
Name Lore
Pack A Song Among the Stars
Lead To All Our Endeavours
Joined 2023-03-30
Last Active 2025/02/23 19:27:28
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