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hound #123730

Greetings! I'm Hound, a 22-year-old artist hailing from good ol' Tennessee. I'm an enthusiastic seeker of companionship and camaraderie, I find inspiration in the realms of horror, and beyond the canvas I enjoy spending time in nature, reading a good thriller, or curled up with my cats and playing video games. And speaking of being an artist, please feel free to message me about commissions, trades, and requests! I will eventually update this to reflect what's actively open but until then, direct messages will work just as fine!

Below are my handles for other websites in the event that you cannot reach me here!
Insta: hauntedh0und
DA: haunt3dh0und
Lioden: hound | oeric II
TH: hauntedhound
Member Information
Name hound
Pack カラス殺害
Alpha Finch
Joined 2023-06-05
Last Active 2023/07/30 16:33:52
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