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ghost #124783

he / him, adult, uni student
ghost or charlie
pfp by me (: would link my art stuff bc I do comms but it's not safe to advertise lol (horror stuff & such)

Big fan of the weird and strange, literature, art and games.

WL APPS FOR MY NEXT STUD & LEADER* would be extremely appreciated, as well as SC and GC for projects in general since I can't buy them with irl money, but anything you can & want to give is lovely!
I will be EXTREMELY glad for any MoD on my WL even if it's probably impossible ^^
I gift any RMAs I get because I don't really like them (:
of course, trophies from my wl or just little foods and amusements are also a great gift!!

*Got my stud MOSTLY sorted out but if anyone can spare one lunar app from my wl for I can finish him, I'll be really glad :3 My next lead is a bit undecided, so I'll be holding onto my apps for a bit before I fully decide, but know that if you gift me some, they WILL be used!!
Member Information
Name ghost
Pack Siderea
King Mothman
Joined 2023-06-28
Last Active 26 minutes ago
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