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Too-Shiloh #126463

[~Aves Band~]

The beginning of a new legacy....

"A wolf prowls through the trees, green eyes glistening in the early light. He glances around himself, face illuminated, maw curled into a gleaming grin. Golden light brushes the landscape as the dense forest opens up into luscious grassland. A mockingbird's song sounds in the distance.

'Fitting...' he inhaled gently, grin disappearing from his still illuminated features, 'a home for a mockingbird.'"


The Aves Band was named by Mock, the first leader of the "band", as the wolves there call it. His name is derived from "Mockingbird", and thus, the band is named Aves after the avians that rule the skies. Mock was first intrigued by birds as a young pup, and simply grew to enjoy them more and more as time went on. He studied their patterns; watching the creatures as they pecked at seeds on the soft soil, and as they soared among the clouds. He felt connected to them in many ways, and he longed to create a family of his own some day. Soon that day arrived with the presence of his second in command "Veery" link. Together they established their band, and welcomed two pups of their very own.

To accept new members into the pack, it is custom to bestow a bird-themed name upon them. Some are derived from longer specie names. Sometimes it is a bird they resemble, other times it is a bird that matches their personality. Mock personally names these wolves, and finds great satisfaction in doing so. It feels as though this is his purpose... the way all the wolves fit together with their avian counterparts...

It was the song of a mockingbird that called him here, of course.
Member Information
Name Too-Shiloh
Pack Aves Band
Lead Mock
Joined 2023-08-03
Last Active 2023/08/20 10:10:22
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