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★⏤͟͟͞͞ꍌꋪꋬꉔ꒐ꏂ★ღ #128547

Hiya! Name's Gracie.
・If you send me wolves, (such as random ones from giveaway chat as an example.) always keep in mind that I am not guaranteed to keep them! (Even if i accept gifts, as I impulse accept everything 😭) If this bothers you please ask if I'll keep them and if you'd like them back if I won't. If you don't reach about about this in under 30 mins after sending (and if I decide I'm not keeping the wolf) I will chase them.
・As of 3.2.25, travelers are NOT permitted in my pack. If you see your traveler in my pack please recall them and send them elsewhere. I do not have the resources nor space to tend to wolves other than my own and they'll just end up running away. It is YOUR responsibility if you don't recall your travelers, and doing so will tell me that you don't mind them running away or being kept.
Member Information
Name ★⏤͟͟͞͞ꍌꋪꋬꉔ꒐ꏂ★ღ
Pack ✦The Rebels✦
Leader Rebel
Joined 2023-09-20
Last Active 1 day ago
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