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Sadsugarpops #133295

Hi! Currently I'm focusing on breeding wolves but I do sell extra food and amusement uses for low prices, sometimes I'll sell an unwanted pup for low prices as well so be on the lookout if that's something you're interested in!
I am attempting to breed more T2 and T3 base wolves, currently I have a few but I'm unlikely to trade them until I breed them at least once unless I get a good offer for them. I prefer more natural looking wolves but I also like subtle bright colors and patterns. I have a few natural looking wolves that are T1 and I'll be willing to trade those if you see any that catch your eye, just make an offer or send a message and I'll get back as soon as possible.
Currently, I have a few breeding items, I'm willing to trade those for gc or applicators. I also have a few lunar event decors and Valentine decors/backgrounds, also a few nonevent decors and backgrounds as well, so if your curious and may want to see if I have anything you'll trade for, just send a message and I'll send you a list of what I have at the moment!
Also I am looking for more sage items and other breeding items as well, applicators are always appreciated! Thank you 🙏
Member Information
Name Sadsugarpops
Pack Timbermouse
Pack Leader Acajou
Joined 2024-01-08
Last Active 57 minutes ago