About me!
Hello, I'm Ren ' v'!
I've been around since early access, yet I still feel like a complete new player ; _ ; I'm a trans-masucline demi-homosexual! I'm very anxious and a nervous person, so I tend to stick to myself. I'm a bit unused to how things work on Wolvden so it's taking me a lot longer to get accumulated to the gameplay. I plan to focus soley on breeding combo markings, since combo breeding has been my favriote thing to do on Lioden.
My current stud Felaern was a happy little accident that occured a very long time ago. I can't really push myself to remove him as stud, so He's sort going to get his own kind of lore for Fogfallen Spires. Sort of like a wanderer bringing in newblood for the pack.
I am also an avid artist! Most of my art is not fequently posted, but the some that is I post to either my DeviantART page or my Tumblr! I mostly draw a mixture of pokemon designs & warrior cat OCs. I am mostly a feral artist, and don't have a good comfort level on branching out to anthro or human ^^". I may open a art shop here in the near future if I get enough intrest in my work.
Little things:
- I was apart of early access!
- Pack lore is a WIP!
- I am 2 hours ahead of Wolvden!
- I plan of breeding combo markings!
- Monochromatic & Pastel Wolves are my favriote
Strength: Finisher --> Desert | Rainforest
Speed : Chaser --> Deciduous | Grasslands | Mountains | Prairie
Agility : Chaser --> Taiga | Swamp
Wisdom : Stalker --> Herbalist | Riparian | Glacier
Smarts : Stalker --> Herbalist | Coniferous | Tundra