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Ragnarr Loðbrók #13572

~Wish list~
Fox trophies
Badger trophies
Elk/deer trophies
Wolf trophies
Base apps (hydrangea and other Lunar as well as st. Patrick's apps)
Sentinel recipe
Amusement and food (always)
Piebald wolves and other muties (every)

add me on Xanje

If anyone plays Xanje I am looking for a female for him. He's a springtime gargoyal dragon. Willing to give 50,000- 100,000 coins for a female

>Font color= red~About me~
Hi I'm Katrina but just call me Kat. I'm in my early 20's and happily engaged. I'm a proud 3 time momma to two toddlers and a 2 month old. I don't own any pets as of now but I'm planning on getting 2 dogs and 2 cats. My mother however owns 2 dogs (a lab-pit and a mut with 5 dog breeds in her) and 2 ragdoll cats.

Colors: blue, black, white and red.
Ocean mammal: torn between orcas and dolphins.
Land mammal: don't make me choose!
Land reptile: SNAKE!
Water reptile: comodo dragon
Amphibian: gecko, newt
Movies: anything fantasy, the ringer, anything with Adam Sandler, the house with a clock in its walls, pirates of the Caribbean, the notebook, old yeller, where the red fern grows, the intern (just to name a few XD)
BIG CAT: torn between tigers and cheetah
Son: Adam and Jeffery (jk I love all 3 of my sons)
Foods: corn casserole, (my fiancé's) porkchops, steak, burgers (pretty much anything he makes) icecream (everything but cotton candy)
TV show series: vampire diaries, teen wolf, Merlin, the first season of wolf blood, loud house (animated) teen titans (animated) Pokémon, beyblade, Bakugon.
Pokémon: I have multiple but I'm just going to name 5, zapdos, arcanine, Pikachu, archious, resheram.
VD character(s): Alana, stephan, Damon , Jeremy, Tyler, Alaric, Bonnie
Teen wolf characters: Scott, styles, Lydia, Peter (even though he's evil) Allison

Fiancé: jk I just have one.
Owned past pet: I have 2. Snickers (a lab-pit) and pepper (full lab)
Favorite current pet: Dreamer
Httyd character(s): Hiccup, Astrid, the twins (ruffnut and tuffnut), TOOTHLESS, Stormfly, Barf &belch, Cloud jumper, Hiccups mother, and finally Stoic the vast.
HP: character(s): Harry Potter (ofc), Hermione, the entire Weasley family, Serious black, Draco (believe it or not lol).
Professors in HP: Snape (yes snape), Remus lupin, Minerva McGonagall, HAGID!
Headmaster : Ofc there is only one and that's ALBUS PERCIVAL WOLFRIC BRIAN DUMBLEDORE!
Games: Pokémon, Legacy of hogwarts,nintendogs.
Online games: WD and LD


This is my little cavie dreamer. I provided Timothy hay for her and was naming off names that I thought would be good for her and she ate a piece of hay at the "word" dreamer (hence the name Dreamer).

Surprise baby dreamer had. His name is cobra

Our newest cavy Artemis with our current cavy's Dreamer and Cobra
Member Information
Name Ragnarr Loðbrók
Pack Brightstar pack
Alpha Demonic Sunset
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 1 minute ago