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Minnie Cat #136134

Hey! I'm Minnie, I'm 20 y.o. and a decor horder! (Lol what kind of intro is this.) If you're looking to buy a wolf from me, don't hesitate to shoot a message. I try to focus on breeding high stat low gen wolves, mostly for my own satisfaction and purposes. I like the eclipse eyes a lot, and actually often try to breed specifically for some kind I like.

Link to my Snairy Thread! Cute snake fairies (adoptables shop). (Image is link)

Check list:
(x) befriend an albinism NBW carrier
(x) befriend a TIII chased (a Badger!)
(x) breed an albino pup (my love Binna)
(x) get a new stud
(x) have Shell pass her eyes lol
(x) breed a multiple carrier pup (2 in one litter, yay!)
5/5 buy custom decor
50/50 have den space

(x) breed a 650+ stat pup
() breed a triple carrier pup

My Owlkits from Skitters#142487

Here's my Wolvden Website, where you can find my art and my Den Archive (past & chased wolves).

Notes for me (possible buys etc.):
this raffle??

Abilene lookalike

I currently have the Snipe from the Cataclysms event as my profile picture, art created by the wonderful Wolvden team.
Member Information
Name Minnie Cat
Pack Nashwae Pack
Pack Leader Areol | double carrier
Joined 2024-03-04
Last Active 2025/01/28 13:17:12
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