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Grimace #137595

<div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div><div class="snowflake">*</div></div>">
Greetings, my name is grimace/teeth. I am a weighted and a bird obsessed neurodivergent. I may act cold twords others at times, but I'm told I do have a sweet side. I can be snarky and sarcastic at times aswell, and enjoy things such as scenecore and general child like things. I get called goth girl at times too. But I don't really mind since I enjoy things like that, too.
Member Information
Name Grimace
Pack Sc-ou
Queen Clove
Joined 2024-03-30
Last Active 2024/07/15 07:15:20
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z of snowburn
played by zal

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