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Eon #142719

Hello, nice to meet you! I am a new player who, at one time, played Lioden long, long ago, and recently felt the urge to start a pet game anew.

Currently, I'm playing and growing my pack by only adding wolves I encounter in Explore. My goal is to keep my main wolf matrilineally related to my first lead, Mikella. I also want my lead wolves to be exclusively monogamous, so no extra puppies for me. I keep befriended wolves forever. :]

Other rules I play by:

  • I avoid inbreeding

  • Will utilize the stud system for non-lead females (might create some fun lineages?)

Member Information
Name Eon
Pack Bryndraug
Lead Wolf Mikella
Joined 2024-07-06
Last Active 2024/08/05 22:10:14
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