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TrashBadger #142970

Hey, my names TrashPanda. I just recently started playing because my wife is super big into this and I think there's some pretty cool wolves on here. I'm still learning, so she's helping me learn along the way. I don't care much for the breeding, so really I tell my wife what wolves I like and she handles all of the breeding for me haha. I'm hoping to get into the breeding though with my wife's help and maybe run a page similar to hers. I'm not sure what bases I like yet but I believe my wife is super big into the warm colors

Yeah scratch the breeding, it's really really confusing 😆 I kind of like the muteds, more so the badgers, but I think I've grown fond of the warms because I see them come and go in my den all of the time as my wife needs to move wolves for room and breeding purposes. I guess they go pretty well with warms so it looks like her and I may be able to work alongside each other and help one another out. Currently just trying to save up to get a nice looking muted boy for a stud
Member Information
Name TrashBadger
Pack Pepé Le Pews
Pack Leader Thor 🦊
Joined 2024-07-10
Last Active 6 hours ago
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