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TheNightlyMartini #145751

Hello!~ You can call me Nightly, or even Martini! (she/her/they/them, honestly, can call me by a sound and I won't be offended).

WISHLIST (in no particular order):
Honestly chill with anything.
1. Currency
2. Decors (Custom or Regular of all kinds)
3. Herbs (Especially Tobacco, Winterfat)
4. Any Applicators
5. Food and Amusement (Honestly, would LOVE these at the moment)
6. Crafting Recipes (chill with any, even if I already have a copy)


Any wolves in the galaxy market are also up for negotiations! You can do whatever you want with them once bought! However, if marked for a specific player, then they are not available for any negotiations.

Design for a Selene Based Wolf: link
Member Information
Name TheNightlyMartini
Pack The Canes Venatici Pack
King Jun
Joined 2024-09-10
Last Active 12 hours ago
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