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Acheron #1483

Hunting :Stalkers require high Smarts and Wisdom.
                Chasers require high Agility and Speed.
              Finishers require high Strength.

Strength: Desert, Rainforest
Speed: Grasslands, Deciduous Forest, Mountains, Prairie
Agility: Taiga, Swamp
Wisdom: Riparian Woodland, Glacier
Smarts: Coniferous Forest, Tundra
Wolves with high values of a biome's specific stat will scout that biome easier than other wolves.

( WD time +9h )
befriending moves

Personality Stat Boost Stat Penalty
Adventurous +7 SPD, +3 SMR -3 AGI
Aloof +7 SMR, +3 AGI -3 WIS
Amiable +7 WIS, +3 AGI -3 STR
Anxious +7 SPD, +3 AGI -3 STR
Arrogant +7 STR, +3 AGI -3 WIS
Bossy +7 WIS, +3 STR -3 AGI
Capable +7 STR, +3 WIS -3 AGI
Charming +7 STR, +3 SMR -3 WIS
Combative +7 STR, +3 SPD -3 WIS
Conceited +7 STR, +3 AGI -3 SMR
Confident +7 STR, +3 SPD -3 AGI
Dedicated +7 WIS, +3 STR -3 SMR
Dishonest +7 SPD, +3 SMR -3 WIS
Dutiful +7 STR, +3 WIS -3 SMR
Fair +7 SMR, +3 WIS -3 SPD
Helpful +7 SMR, +3 SPD -3 AGI
Humble +7 AGI, +3 WIS -3 STR
Imaginative +7 WIS, +3 SPD -3 STR
Impulsive +7 SPD, +3 SMR -3 WIS
Independent +7 WIS, +3 AGI -3 SPD
Keen +7 SPD, +3 SMR -3 STR
Lazy +7 AGI, +3 WIS -3 SPD
Malicious +7 STR, +3 SMR -3 AGI
Neutral +2 to All N/A
Obnoxious +7 AGI, +3 SPD -3 SMR
Observant +7 WIS, +3 SMR -3 AGI
Optimistic +7 AGI, +3 SPD -3 WIS
Pessimistic +7 AGI, +3 STR -3 SPD
Precise +7 AGI, +3 SMR -3 SPD
Quiet +7 WIS, +3 SMR -3 SPD
Reliable +7 STR, +3 AGI -3 SPD
Sarcastic +7 SMR, +3 WIS -3 STR
Scatterbrained +7 SPD, +3 STR -3 SMR
Selfish +7 SMR, +3 STR -3 WIS
Sneaky +7 SMR, +3 AGI -3 SPD
Sociable +7 SMR, +3 SPD -3 STR
Sullen +7 AGI, +3 STR -3 SMR
Trusting +7 AGI, +3 WIS -3 SMR
Unfriendly +7 SMR, +3 STR -3 WIS
Vulgar +7 AGI, +3 SPD -3 STR
Member Information
Name Acheron
Pack DarkRiver
Alpha Skylark Darksong
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 4 hours ago
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