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LyricalWheat586 #14910

Let me address what I know and what the creator says is non canon about Housepets so first of all King, Thomas Milton, Herman Steward, Marion, and Louis were never Human they were always animals and were never humans to begin with so their human backstory where they were transformed into animals is completely false non canon theirs is nothing anyone can say or do to prove me wrong I know what's canon and Rick Griffin said himself that the humans backstory for these characters are non canon so yeah King, Thomas Milton, Herman Steward, Marion, and Louis were never Human they were always animals and were never humans to begin with so their human backstory where they were transformed into animals is completely false non canon

Regarding the scenes where humans were being turned into animals in the city is also non cannon too Rick Griffin said so and so did I
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Name LyricalWheat586
Pack Rave-A-Thon
King Pyropell
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 2024/12/26 21:51:34
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