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TheRedDragon13 #15021

Not an active account any more (as of 11/18). Everyone i met on here was super nice and i hope you all have absolutely wonderful lives, you guys are all wonderful! The gameplay was just not really for me but I won't forget how welcoming and friendly the community is on here. It's been a nice time. ^^

Hi, I'm Red! I'm a 19 year old doofus who likes dragons and nonsense. Most friend requests are accepted! I draw :D
Catch me on Flight Rising, FurAffinity,  and Dappervolk (not really bc im never on DV rip) as TheRedDragon13 as well!

I don't know how to play this game very well so please be patient with me lmao. also, i'm sorry if i goofed in the public chat! i'm too used to being able to edit typos and forgotten chunks of text in Discord and forum posts haha... '^--^

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Member Information
Name TheRedDragon13
Pack Vulcan Empire
Pack Leader Virion
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 2021/05/24 17:54:16
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