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Amberheart #150274

The Sylverwolves are a mighty pack that inhabits the far mountain range dotted with coniferous forests of undisturbed wildlife.
Led by the formidable Pack Alpha, Snow, the pack settles by a lush & fertile forest on the mountainside, slowly but steadily making their way up to dominance.
Her two young pups, Ice & Hail are next in line for the throne. Until then, the fate of the mountains rests on Snow's shoulders. Braving the harsh climate of her habitat, Snow embarks on life's inevitable journey with her mate Frost, at her side.

A young, white, sleek furred, female wolf slipped between the trees in a dense coniferous forest. She sniffed. Was that a squirrel? She just hoped it wasn't a porcupine. She was still limping from that quill stuck in her leg. She whimpered. It's fine. Stop whining like a pup, she thought, shaking it off. She continued, stepping over a fallen tree in her search for prey. It had been two moons since her mother left her. She went out hunting one night and just... dissapeared. She paused. There it was. A squirrel. She saw it in a leafy clearing about twenty steps away. Luckily, she was downwind. She crept closer, making sure not to step on the dead twigs or crunchy leaves that would give her away. Finally, she was in pouncing distance. She recoiled, aiming for a swift bite to the neck. Then she pounced. But a swift second before her teeth met flesh, it flashed away, into the foliage. SNAP! What was that? She sniffed. The scent was new, yet familliar somehow. She crept into the trees, hoping that'd give her some cover. She heard another crackle. She followed the sound to a grassy clearing near what looked like a rabbit hole. She crept closer, only to have the breath knocked out of her by a blurry figure. She fought and twisted, but her opponent soon had her pinned. She tried to slip out of their paws, but their grip was firm. As her vision cleared, she saw another white wolf who had a dark streak down his back. And brown eyes. She snapped out of her daze. "Let. Me. Go!" she growled, attempting to claw at the stranger's face. He huffed. "Okay." he said, backing away, warily. She stood up, shaking the dirt out of her fur, then wincing as pain stabbed through her leg. The stranger seemed to have noticed, eying her leg with concern and guilt. Their little tussle seemed to have reopened the wound. "My name's Frost," he said. "How come I've never seen you around?" She looked at him. "I... don't know. I haven't seen any other wolves near here. Well, besides you." she said. "My name's Snow." Frost glanced at her leg again. Blood soaked Snow's white fur. "That seems like a nasty wound. I know a place. It's safe and there's some healing herbs I have there." Frost told her. She thought, considering the invitation. She'd barely even met this wolf and he was offering to treat her leg. At this point, she didn't have much of a choice. The scent of blood would attract unwanted attention. "Okay..." she said. "Thanks." Frost's ears perked up. "No problem," he said, leading her to a darker portion of the forest. Pain flared in her leg with every step. The trees here were a mix of deciduous and coniferous trees. They soon came to a cave. She hesitated. "It's safe. I promise," Frost told her. By now, the blood was dripping onto the forest floor. She reluctantly followed him in. On one side of the cave were a collection of various herbs, like he'd told her. On the other side was a hasty nest of pine needles and ferns. "Maybe just lie down? It'd make it easier for me to pull the quill out." he told her. Lie down? That'd leave her vulnerable, unable to attack should he hurt her. But she really didn't have another option at this point. So she lied down, curling up in the nest. The bitter, yet sweet fragrance of pine helped calm her racing heart. Frost arranged a series of different herbs. One long, yet large leaf, probably for bandaging, yarrow for infection, and willow bark for pain. He chewed the yarrow into a pulp, placing it on the leaf. Smart, Snow thought. Not many wolves knew that kind of effective healing. He dropped the willow bark infront of her. "Bite on it while I take the quill out. If you chew it into a pulp and swallow it after, it'll help with the pain," he told her as she loosely held the willow bark between her teeth. He lowered his muzzle to her leg. "Ready?" he asked her. She nodded. She felt his breath on the bleeding wound as she closed her eyes."Three... two... one-" She didn't hear him say the one, because the pain that flashed through her body was unbearable. She bit down, and her teeth dug into the willow bark. And then it was over. She exhaled, glancing at her bleeding leg. Frost held the porcupine quill between his teeth. He spit it out, hurriedly dabbing the wound with a pawful a cobwebs. He then carefully wrapped the leaf around her leg, making sure the that the poultice was directly on top of the wound. He applied a bit of tree sap at the end of the bandage to keep it from unravelling. He stepped back, overseeing his handywork. "I think that should do." he said, moving over to the rest of the herbs. "...Thank you," Snow said. He looked at her, surprised. "No problem." he reached for a leaf bundle, picking it up in his mouth and dropping it at her paws. He opened it, and inside were a bunch of black seeds. She eyed them suspiciously. "They're poppy seeds," he explained. "They help lessen pain like the williow bark, but they also make you drowsy." Snow frowned. No way was she gonna sleep in a stanger's den. She was risking a lot already, and that was because she knew about all those herbs he was using. But asking her to trust him with her life like this was asking a little too much. "It's fine," she said, nudging the bundle away. Frost looked hurt, so she added, "I wouldn't wanna use up your herbs. Besides, the willow bark should be enough, right?" she asked. "Yes. I suppose so," he said, curling up on the ground. Snow chewed the willow bark into a pulp. It was hard. And it tasted...woody. Frost seemed bored, so Snow thought she should get to know the wolf who helped her. "So, where'd you learn to heal like that?" she asked, resting her head against her paws. "My mother taught me a little, when I was a pup." he paused, examining a leaf on the ground. "She was killed by a cougar." he mumbled. Snow's heart melted. "I'm sorry..." she whispered. Frost shook his head. "No... I- it's fine." he told her. A nagging thought pierced Snow's heart. Her mom dissapeared not too long ago. If there was a cougar in the area, they could've killed her mother, too. She had to know. Maybe if she checked the hunting sites her mother showed her or- something. She curled her tail in. Now was not the time to worry about stuff like that. She could search for evidence later. Frost seemed to pick up on her anxiety. "What's wrong?" he asked. She looked at him. He seemed genuinely worried. "It's nothing," she said, sinking into a resting postition. Frost sighed, and put his head on his paws as he closed his eyes. Hunger clawed at her stomach as she remembered the squirrel she'd been after. She paused, deep in thought. When was the last time she'd eaten? Now that she thought of it, she was pretty sure she hadn't eaten a proper meal in days. Maybe almost a week. Maybe she'd just wait it out. Her stomach grumbled in protest. Frost ears flicked towards her as he opened his eyes. His eyes drifted towards the rib cages near the side of the den. "I could go hunting," he offered. "-I'm pretty hungry too." he said when she opened her mouth to protest. Her cheek fur burned. Of course he was hungry. After all, she'd cost him his prey. "Okay," she replied, glancing at her leg. She could see a scab beginning to form, but there was no way it wouldn't leave a scar. She was well enough to go with him. But as if he knew what she was thinking, he said, "Not that I wouldn't appreciate your help, but... that still needs more time to heal. Don't worry though, I won't be long." he said, heading toward the mouth of the cave. He looked back, before bounding out, into the woods. A dull ache seared through her stomach.
Member Information
Name Amberheart
Pack Sylverwolves
Alpha Snow
Joined 2024-12-19
Last Active 1 week ago
Not a member of any groups.