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Skihtols #15711

haha, yeah I don't know what to put here anymore.

Oh I have a little side project thing for breeding primary mutations,, I'm always looking for more extremely low fert wolves so if you have one you don't want I'd buy if off you!

fishing goals:
-Get 1st on the daily leaderboard for a straight week
-Get over 1500lb for daily total
-Catch 5 legendaries in one day
-Catch a bigger fish (personal record below)

Biggest fish caught: 66lb 9.71oz Baby Alligator

Current #1 streak: 0
Longest #1 streak ever: 13 days

-pms and friend requests are fine, if there's a puppy you want or I have a wolf you chased feel free to reach out!
(Friend requests are set to auto-accept) =D

Ps I have a lot of medicine hit me up if you need a cure ;D
Member Information
Name Skihtols
Pack Sundivine
Lead Wolf Deimos
Joined 2020-10-19
Last Active 3 days ago
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