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Lunar #17111


My project is to breed high-quality, natural-coloured wolves whose aesthetics, group dynamics and behaviour follow those of real wild wolves as closely as possible within the bounds of the game. As a result, my goal is to build a pack consisting of a single breeding pair, their family members, and several generations of non-breeding offspring, with all wolves limited to the coat colours, markings, and eye colours found in real wolves. To preserve the challenge of the game I also play Hard Mode and try to keep my pack's genealogy independent of other players' breeding projects, so I will not buy or sell wolves, stud to other players' breeding males, or offer my own breeding males for studding.

I am 9 hours ahead of Wolvden time, although I will always try to respond to messages regarding trades, branch sales, etc. However, as a general rule I won't accept random friend requests from strangers.

Natural Breeding Guide

The following attributes are considered natural for wolves, meaning that they resemble the coat colours, markings, eye colours and skin/claw colours found in real wild wolves, without recent domestic dog ancestry.

BASES: Acanthite, Almond, Amber, Antler, Apricot, Argent, Ashen, Aspen, Auburn, Badger*, Bedrock, Beige, Biotite, Birch, Black, Blonde, Blue, Brass, Bronze, Brown, Buff, Calcite, Caramel, Caribou*, Cedar, Chert, Chestnut, Chocolate, Chromium, Cocoa, Coot, Corrosion, Cream, Cream Darker, Cream Lighter, Dark Brown, Dark Fawn, Dinar, Doubloon, Dravite, Ducat, Dust, Ebony, Fawn, Flint, Fox*, Galena, Gold, Gold Darker, Gold Lighter, Goldenrod, Gravel, Gray, Gray Darker, Gray Lighter, Greisen, Grulla, Henna, Honey, Hornfels, Howlite, Iridium, Iron, Isabel, Jacinthe, Jet, Liver, Magnolia, Marble, Marengo, Melchior, Mineral, Nepheline, Obsidian, Onyx, Oroide, Pearl, Pecan, Pewter, Piasa, Pumice, Rime, Rufous, Russet, Rust, Saffron, Salt, Sandy, Seal, Sepia, Shell, Silver, Siqoq, Skarn, Slate, Snow, Sphalerite, Steele, Sterling, Striped Flint, Sulphur, Tawny, Titanium, Tuff, Tumbleweed, Vanilla, Walnut, White, Willow, Wulfenite, Yellow

EYES: Amber, Bone*, Brown, Carapace*, Chestnut Brown, Clay, Copper, Dark Hazel, Dust, Gray, Hazel, Honey, Mercury, Orange, Scallop*, Warm Gray, Yagou*, Yellow

SKINS: Bistre, Black, Blend*, Dark, Dark Brown, Grime*, Mud*, Peat*, Wild*

NOSES: Bistre, Black, Blend*, Dark, Grime*, Mud*, Wild*

CLAWS: Bistre, Black, Blend*, Brown, Dark, Gray, Grime*, Mud*, Peat*, Root, Wild*

MARKINGS: Agouti, Back, Back Edge Patch, Back Half Patch, Back Heavy Patch, Back Patch, Back Stripe, Belly Stripe, Blanket, Blanket Ticking, Blaze, Bottoms, Butcher, Cape, Cape Ticking, Carnage, Cheek Fluff, Chest, Chest Stripe, Cougar, Cover, Cross, Dilution, Dorsal, Ear Tips, Elbow Patch, Elbows, Eyebrows, Forehead, Freckles, Full Mask, Full Rump, Gentle Unders, Ghast*, Grizzle, Half Cape, Half Cape Ticking, Half Cover, Half Dorsal, Half Mask, Half Saddle, Half Socks, Half Stripe, Head Stripe, Heavy Husky, Highlights, Inner Ear, Inuit Unders, Inverted Agouti, Inverted Cross, Inverted Manicou, Inverted Opossum, Light Husky, Limbs, Low Bottoms, Lupos, Manicou, Mantle, Marbled Unders, Mask, Medium Husky, Muzzle Patch, Neck, Neck Band, Neck Stripe, Nose Bridge, Nose Line, Opossum, Patchy Unders, Paws, Points, Predator, Rump, Rump Edge, Rump Patch, Saddle, Saddle Ticking, Sallander, Shaded, Shadow*, Shepherd, Shepherd Heavy, Shimmer*, Shoulder Patch, Shoulders, Smoke, Smudge, Smudge Heavy, Snout, Socks, Spectacles, Stained Limbs, Tail Tip, Tamaskan Unders, Throat, Throat Patch, Toes, Trim, Tuxedo, Underbelly, Undercoat, Underfur, Unders, Undersides, Urajiro, Wings, Wings Heavy, Wings Scarce, Wraith*

MARKING COLOURS: Aspen, Auburn, Beige, Black, Brown, Cedar, Cocoa, Cream, Dark Brown, Deira, Dinar, Doubloon, Ducat, Dust*, Gold, Gray, Henna*, Honey, Liver*, Rufous, Saffron, Sepia, Shedua, Silver, Sterling, Tuff, White, Yellow

MUTATIONS: Albinism, Brachycephaly, Conjoined Twins, Hereditary Cataracts, Melanism, Patches (Mottled), Patches (Split), Piebald (Biewer), Piebald (Frontal), Piebald (Torn), Piebald (Uneven), Polycephaly, Polymelia, Sirenomelia, Spontaneous Blindness

Pack Stats & Goals

Total Pups Bred: 7 ·  Total Pups Kept: 7 ·  Total Litters: 2 ·

Total Tier II Bases Bred: 4 (4/49) · Total Tier III Bases Bred: 0 (0/17)  ·

Total Breed-Only Bases Bred: 4 (4/62) ·

Tier I Breed-Only Bases Bred: 2 (2/16)  ·   Tier II Breed-Only Bases Bred: 2 (2/32)  · 

Tier III Breed-Only Bases Bred: 0 (0/14)  ·  Special Bases Bred: 0 (0/0)  · 

Breed-Only Eyes Bred: 0 (0/6)  · Breed-Only Noses/Skins/Claws Bred: 0 (0/0)  ·

Breed-Only Markings Bred: 4 (4/506)  ·  Breed-Only Marking Shapes Bred: 0 (0/17)  ·  Breed-Only Marking Colours Bred: 4 (2/13)  ·

Total Mutations Bred: 0 (0/15) · Primary Mutations Bred: 0 (0/5)  ·

Secondary Mutations Bred: 0 (0/10)  · Lethal Mutations Bred: 0 (0/5)  ·

Double Mutations Bred: 0 (0/50)  · Breeding Pair Number: 1  · Current Highest Gen: 2

Member Information
Name Lunar
Pack The Keer'etna Pack
Pack Leader Vanna
Joined 2020-10-20
Last Active 2025/02/06 13:26:28
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