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Ronnie #1811

Hoist your colours. I hail from Lioden as a breeder of BO traits. I envy Wolvden's range of attractive breed-only traits, but I don't understand and I am not interested in the NBW pot luck thing. I am hoping to breed attractive wolves with clean lineages somewhere in the G2-G8 range. Currently I'm undertaking a Topaz base project to make a G3-G4 stud and lead for my own enjoyment. To my understanding, G2+ and BO markings have zero traction here, but that's alright. I'll do my own thing in my corner. I'm not a stat breeder.
Member Information
Name Ronnie
Pack The Corsairs
Leader Viggo
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2025/01/12 17:03:13
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