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✨dakiren✨ #1969


a qwote fwom one of my fwiends ;w;

"A rich man has more than one source of income which some of you unfortunate, jealous "destined to die poor" pieces of shit out there that stalk my page by the hour can't seem to stomach or comprehend without accusing me of lying through my teeth, likely because your parents still support you and your unemployed boyfriend/husband. Yes, I am an investor and therefore part owner of the highest level stud wolf. And here I am about to pop into a board meeting in Beverly Hills on a Monday. I own or am a partner in something like 10 Warm Dark III bases. And on any given day, depending on the time of year, I have, to my name, something around 75 million gold cones in my personal bank accounts that is liquid. I own 6 pyrope bases to my name with NO ONE else's name on title but my own. And I live entirely alone with no roommates despite living in a 9 bedroom house. Rich as fuck and tattooed from my throat to my feet.


pwease hewp me.... i fink my wolfies have contwacted a plefora of seckshuallly twansmitted dizeases >w<
  • we got wancer
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Name ✨dakiren✨
Pack wet ash p-word
Queen bucket and a mop
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2021/06/18 13:41:09
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