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Krus #2536

Welcome, My name is Krus

I am on Lioden under the same name and really enjoying seeing the creators of that game expand into this one, it's absolutely beautiful.

I am playing other games aside from Lioden and now Wolvden that include (but not limited too) Old School Runescape, Secondlife, and Howrse as well as DnD and Xbox [Preferred games such as Neverwinter, Ark, RDR2, Kingdom Hearts, Mortal Kombat, Frostpunk, Medieval Dynasty, etc.].

I love reading books, listening to music and writing and just finding the time to enjoy a bit of peace from an otherwise chaotic world.


Krus #13310 Playing Mithrilsbane

Member Information
Name Krus
Pack A Court of Nightmares
Alpha Shakti Kali
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 1 day ago
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