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AdmYrrek #26984

About Me

I'm 1 hour ahead of WDT
Find me on Howrse (int) and AO3 under the same handle.

My Keeping/Culling Process

Pups for sale OR keep must have adult stats at least:
  • 2nd Gen Female = 450 (birth stats at least 375)
  • 3rd Gen Female = 550 (birth stats at least 475)
  • 4th Gen Female = 650 (birth stats at least 575)
  • 5th Gen = Female 750 (birth stats at least 675)
  • #th Gen Male = 100+ points higher than required for females

Pups for keep must have and at least one of the following details:
  • is pied
  • is a T3 or T*
  • is albino/melanistic
  • male and from his mother's last litter + 1 above detail

The fate of pups that don't make it based on the above requirements:
  • T1s = Skill Pup
  • T2 females (all bases) = R&C
  • T2 males (breeding-only bases) = R&C
  • T2 males (non-breeding-only bases) = Bear

When deciding what pups to keep:
• After running through the above process, compare the potential pups to keep based on the season (🌷=Spring; ☀️=Summer; 🍂=Fall; ❄️=Winter) in which they were born and then the generation. If there are too many of the same type of pup (i.e. stalker, chaser, finisher) in a given season, keep the best one within the generation and sell the other.

• When the potentially-keeping pup ages up to being a 1yo adult, compare it against the adults aged 1-2 years of its generation and role to make sure it has role-stats that are in line with its compatriots. If the role-stats are not closely comparable, sell it.

Helpful Info About the Game

Biomes and needs
  • Deciduous Forest: Speed (easy)
  • Grasslands: Speed (easy)
  • Mountains: Speed (easy)
  • Coniferous Forest: Smarts (Medium)
  • Prairie: Speed (Medium)
  • Riparian Woodland: Wisdom (Medium)
  • Desert: Strength (Difficult)
  • Taiga: Agility (Difficult)
  • Swamp: Agility (Challenging)
  • Tundra: Smarts (Challenging)
  • Glacier: Wisdom (Challenging)
  • Rainforest: Strength (Challenging)
Member Information
Name AdmYrrek
Pack Gunnison Pack
Leader Hazel-Rah of Foundlings
Joined 2020-11-05
Last Active 1 hour ago
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