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Jet #3026


-Next Lunar Event:
Dec 20 - 26
-Do not pm me if you can
trade for any of my
wolves, what plans I
have for them, or about
"finding your chased" If
your intention is to buy
them back. You will know
if they're for trade when
it's labeled in the
name/footnote, they're
in my Sell/Raffle cave, or
if it's actively listed at
the trading center. If any
of these apply you can
ask to haggle/offer. You
will be ignored if you
disregard the above.


Howdy, I go by Jet.
My December wishlist is listed in my den profile
My Main Lioden Account: Click.
★ Random Friend req & messages are welcome. ★
My CSS is based on zoro from one piece.


Member Information
Name Jet
Pack Phantoms
Lead Wolf Stinkhorn
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 24 minutes ago
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