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BurntCookies #3149

Hi, welcome to my profile. Please call me Cookie!

I'm a stat breeder working on my own lines and I like breeding muties too (always interested in young T3 NBW Mela Carriers if you have one to sell ).

I claim every Chased NBW I find! If I claim one you would like back please PM me with proof.
T1, T2 and any age reroll I will probably send for free/gene fee.
Young T3 and T* are probably going to be sold or trained and used for breeding projects so I will ask for GC payment most the time.

I also make Custom Decor! If you're interested in any please check out my shop below! I'm more than happy to help out with any Custom Decor questions you may have too, feel free to PM me <3


WD +7
Sometimes online late but unlikely to respond until morning.
Only rolling Sat + Sun!

Member Information
Name BurntCookies
Pack The Wraiths
Queen Cinder
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 6 days ago