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aleator #3308

pups/wolves are not for sale unless explicitly marked for sale/placed in trades
do not inquire on anything that I have not put up for sale.

my trades
primarily SC to GC / GC to SC conversion,
PM if interested in bulk at the same rates

wolf sales
current batch: none

reverse studding [closed]
◆ my wolves (except for lead/scouts) are available for reverse studding @ ? GC a litter
◆ please also provide elk heart (if necessary) + stud fee + feather (not optional) + nesting material
◆ you will receive all pups, for which I will ensure 100% survival rate until they can be transferred

misc info
◆ 20↑ / lesbian / any pronouns / gmt+8
◆ friend requests only accepted for people I've held a (non-business-related) conversation with before
◆ breeding for stats bc haha number go brrr

YWH tags
quick turnaround painted tags like these,
more completed samples in thread

custom decor
check them out

Member Information
Name aleator
Pack Sunspot Pack
Pack Leader Crow VI
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2022/01/14 02:05:42
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