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Oleander 🌺 #33618

Sasha | any pronouns | 🇳🇴 | 20
— playing Wolvden when I've got nothing else to do.
— I never chase puppies, instead I raise them into adulthood/find them a new home/give away to sweet Mother bear
— If you'd like a pup in my R&C 🌠 cave PM me, I'll gift them for free.
— I house a lot of wolves for different purposes, but only few get to stay here permanently.
— If you want to support my pup/wolf shelter, you can buy something from me. I always have enough resourses, but I spend a lot of my earnings on adopting/buying out pups that need a second chance.
— my pack has a lore that I'll never share publicly because of my anxiety/poor English.

Links: Useful infoCheck out my trades!

Member Information
Name Oleander 🌺
Pack Isle of Spirits
Leader Aquila
Joined 2020-12-16
Last Active 4 minutes ago