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Moonblinked #40106


Hello and welcome to my profile. Not sure what exactly to put here lol. I guess things about myself. Do I have a name? Yes I do! Am I gonna share it? Unlikely. You want to know my gender? Well personally I am fairly certain gender is a species of beetle! Emotions belong as soup, DO NOT CONSUME DEPRESSION SOUP!!! It tastes watery and has no is basically water with a lil bit of slightly potato flavour. Tier 3 names follow a very strict theme here.; that being if its a disease, medication or overall goofy ass name the answer is yes!


No seriously you should click on the link

The Dragon's Welcome
The toothy spires of the dragon's isle cup the glacier in it's maw
As the gaping mouth of a dying man wells blood
Young man, will you go there?
Will you climb the ice to win the regard of your fellow warriors?
Dare you cross the crevasses, seen and unseen?
Dare you brave the winds that sing of Icefyre, asleep within the ice?
He will burn your bones with cold, he will. The icy wind his fiery breath
With it he will blacken the skin of your face until it peels from the sore pink flesh beneath it.
Young man, will you venture there?
To win the favor of a woman, will you walk beneath the ice on the wet black stones that see no sky?
Will you find the secret cavern that gapes only when the tide retreats?
Will you count your own heartbeats to mark the passing of time until the sea waves return to grind you to a smear of blood against the deep blue ice above you?

In that last dance of chances
I shall partner you no more.
I shall watch another turn you
As you move across the floor.

In that last dance of chances
When I bid your life goodbye
I will hope she treats you kindly
I will hope you learn to fly.

In that last dance of chances
When I know you'll not be mine
I will let you go with longing
And hope that you'll be fine.

In that last dance of chances
We shall know each other's minds
We shall part with our regrets
When the tie no longer binds.

These Poems are from The Tawny Man Trilogy by Robin Hobb
Member Information
Name Moonblinked
Pack The Rift Runners
Leader Kael
Joined 2021-03-09
Last Active 21 hours ago