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Drache #4244

hello, welcome to my tiny corner of wolvden - call me drache/dragon - she/her - thirty something
i am very shy and usually keep to myself (social anxiety is the worst) so please excuse me if i take long to reply, chances are i'm just trying to think of what to say.
(i am two hours ahead of wolvden time) hoping you have the best of days!

i play lioden here is my main if you wanted to check that out for some reason..

oh and just a side note - i am forever trying to learn german so i usually name my wolves/lions german words, just in case you wondered :3

not rolling for a while - might come on for events

Member Information
Name Drache
Pack Seeonee Pack
Pack Leader Adolphus Jr.
Joined 2020-09-25
Last Active 2025/01/28 18:56:21
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