Everything's a blur. run as fast as your legs can carry you, your lungs burning and screaming for air each time your foot makes contact with the ground. But you can't stop,
And you don't know why
The shadows behind you swirl and lunge at you, barely missing.
When did you start running?
You can feel their cool tendrils caress your hind legs. You need to- no,-have to run faster. Tears blurring your vision, the taste of copper heavy in your lungs, you push yourself faster.
Why is it chasing you?
Everything continues to blur around you, the only sound you can hear is your paws slamming into the first floor , your ragged breathing and your heartbeat thudding so loudly in your ears, the beat fast and light, like the desprate flaps of a trapped bird's wongs.
But you can't stop
You can't even afford more than a glimpse behind you
But what you see makes you falter
A black curtain of fog is closing in almost as fast as you are running
Blocking out all light and leaving nothing but a void
Consuming all it touches
What is IT?
Even as you missiep, and trip over a fallen branch, something urges you to keep going
You have to get away
Before they consume you.
Who are they?
You can barely move, barely breath. Your muscles scream at you as you struggle to stand up, your lungs burn and the edges of your vision go dark. You can't put weight on one of you legs
you grit your teeth and limp away, sucking in a breath of the damp air around you as beads of hot blood trickle down your mouth and onto the forest floor
You try to walk , but your legs give out on the next step, sending you to the ground with a thud as the black creeps into your vision.
You manage one last glance behind you and see the shadows rolling towards you like clouds of rot, black and hungry and consuming everything in their path.
Just before you black out, you notice a pair of glowing white eyes in the mist
Familiar eyes that held a determination you couldn't comprehend
And ghostly whispers welcoming you home