Squirrel #45959
I will be rolling over intermittently for the foreseeable future. Please expect delays if trying to contact me. Unfortunately the real world is not being friendly.
To contact me without me having to rollover; feel free to poke my discord at Squirrel#9697. I'm happy to attempt to co-ordinate for when I will be around next.
I collect crafting recipes as a hobby. If you have the materials, I'm happy to craft any of the recipes hidden under the spoiler below. (If you would like to know the material quantities, please just ask. I'm happy to provide that information!)
I currently have all available recipies!
Recipes known:
- Abandoned Den
- Acorn Bundle Decor
- Angel Oak
- Arctic Draba & Amethyst Fields
- Arizona White Oak Sapling
- Arnica Flower Decor
- Arnica Meadow
- Azure-Hooded Jay
- Background Rocks [Brown]
- Background Rocks [Gray]
- Base Applicator [Badger]
- Base Applicator [Caribou]
- Base Applicator [Fox]
- Bearberry Herb Crown
- Big Cat Claw Necklace
- Bird's Nest [Branch]
- Bird's Nest [Bush]
- Bird's Nest [Tree]
- Black-Throated Magpie-Jay
- Blooming Garlic
- Blossoming Guaiac Tree
- Blue Jay Feather Decor
- Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
- Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
- Blue Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
- Bone Decor
- Broken Antler Decor
- Burning Bush Crown
- Burning Bush Tree
- Burrows Among the Roots
- Bushy-Crested Jay
- California Scrub Jay
- Canine Fang Necklace
- Carrionflower Herb Crown
- Cedar Bark Crown
- Cedar Trees
- Chaparral Herb Crown
- Charged Eyes
- Chattering Parakeets
- Chilling Blue Jays
- Cnitharian Frill Accents
- Cnitharian Frill Accents [Purple]
- Cold Cave
- Cozy Den
- Cozy Nest
- Dandelion Decor
- Deer Ear Accessory
- Den of Pelts
- Desert Traveller
- Desolate Cave
- Dwarf Jay
- Elk Bull Mask
- Elk Bull Mask [Melanistic]
- Elk Cow Mask
- Elk Cow Mask [Melanistic]
- Elk Ear Accessory
- Eternal Slumber
- Eye Applicator [Carapace]
- Eye Applicator [Cetacean]
- Eye Applicator [Crotalus]
- Eye Applicator [Fox]
- Eye Applicator [Puma]
- Eye Applicator [Rangifer]
- Eye Applicator [Scallop]
- Eye Applicator [Yagou]
- Falcon's Nest
- Fallen Tree
- Fallen Tree Den
- Fields of Tansy
- Flickering Meadow
- Florida Scrub Jay
- Foreground Rocks [Brown]
- Foreground Rocks [Gray]
- Forest Dwelling
- Gambel Oak Sapling
- Gathering Lunar Butterflies
- Gem Cave
- Gnawing Hoof Trinket
- Goldenseal Accent
- Green Jay
- Green Meadow
- Grouse Feather Decor
- Guaiacum Crown
- Gunnison Sage-Grouse Feather [Female]
- Gunnison Sage-Grouse Feather [Male]
- Gyrfalcon Observer
- Hollow Tree Den
- Hunting Barn Owl
- Island Scrub Jay
- Large Branch Decor
- Large Rocks Decor
- Leftover Bones
- Lunar Butterflies
- Lunar Fur Dust
- Lunar Glowing Claws
- Lynx Mask
- Mexican Jay
- Moose Ear Accessory
- Mossy Branch Decor
- Mountain Laurel Blossoms
- Mouthful of Feathers
- Mushroom Path
- Muskrat Carcass Decor
- Mustelid Fangs Tail Jewelry
- Northern Red Oak Sapling
- Old Railway
- Ornate Fang Necklace
- Overgrown Arches
- Overgrown Car
- Overgrown Cave
- Overgrown Den
- Owl Feather Decor
- Owl Talon Necklace
- Parrot Feather Decor
- Pasadena Oak Branch
- Path of Boulders
- Pelt Merchant Outfit
- Pherish Fur Body
- Pherish Fur Head
- Pose Variant [Sentinel]
- Puffin Colony
- Pupsitter Den
- Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Body]
- Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Head]
- Purple Lunar Backline Fluff [Tail]
- Purplish-Backed Jay
- Quail Trail
- Rabbit Carcass Decor
- Rabbit Foot Den
- Rattlesnake Den
- Red Oak Branch [Green]
- Red Oak Branch [Red]
- Redwood Sorrel Herb Crown
- Redwood Sorrel Meadow
- Rising Ibis
- Roaming Chickens
- Rocky Den
- Root Cave
- Ruffed Grouse Feather [Female]
- Ruffed Grouse Feather [Male]
- San Blas Jay
- Sandstone Cavern
- Scarce Understory [Dry]
- Scarce Understory [Green]
- Scattered Bones
- Scattered Foliage [Dry]
- Scattered Foliage [Green]
- Scattered Rocks
- Scattered Sticks
- Seaside Gull Flock
- Secluded Spring Den
- Silvery-Throated Jay
- Skeletal Remains
- Soaring Condor
- Spruce Grouse Feather [Female]
- Spruce Grouse Feather [Male]
- Squirrel Carcass Decor
- Steller's Jay
- Stone Path Cave
- Sunlit Cave
- Swan Feather Decor
- Swan Lake
- Swimming Mallard Ducks
- Tansy Crown
- Transvolcanic Jay
- Tropical Cave
- Tufted Jay
- Unicolored Jay
- Valley Oak
- Vine Growth Den
- Volukros Gentle Feathers [Body]
- Volukros Gentle Feathers [Head]
- White Oak Sapling
- White-Throated Magpie-Jay
- Wild Toucans
- Winter Cave
- Winterfat Trail
- Wolf Trophy Tail Band [Black]
- Wolf Trophy Tail Band [Timber]
- Wolf Trophy Tail Band [White]
- Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [Black]
- Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [Timber]
- Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [White]
- Woodhouse's Scrub Jay
- Yarrow Decor
- Yucatan Jay
Anything I can craft, I'm happy to craft in advance before swapping it for the replacement materials. And if I'm missing a few items, I'd ask only for those few - Then swap for the remainder. And probably send something else over as collateral during the meantime.
As a result of all this crafting madness; I also tend to hoard remnants. So if you have any for sale; let me know! I can provide a price list as requested :)
Feel free to message me anytime! I'm friendly. Kind of a ditz. But friendly!
Adorable tag made by the lovely Shannon! Isn't it just the neatest??
Member Information | ||
Name | Squirrel | ![]() |
Pack | Sidra | |
Pack Leader | Teyah | |
Joined | 2021-07-03 | |
Last Active | 2024/01/19 13:27:11 |