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Tundrakas #49390

Hello! My name is Comet, a 30 year old chronically ill lesbian. I play video games, make art and write gay little stories.

UTC+3 so I usually wake up a couple hours before RO! Sometimes I'm asleep during the day due to my chronic illness so please be patient if you offer stuff on my trades or send a stud request!


I am chaotic in my plans both in life and in wolvden and I form attachments to wolves I had no plans on keeping. Oopsie. Feel free to DM me anytime, I might not always answer right away because my ADHD just deletes my memory of ever opening a message.

Current Ultimate Dream Wolf To be Found: NBW Megalodon Mel/Alb Car
Member Information
Name Tundrakas
Pack Mossclaw Pack
Queen Kuura
Joined 2021-09-26
Last Active 8 hours ago
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